Episode 30

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*meanwhile at the scrap yard*

Bee team hasn't been able to find clues.. "The lieutenant doesn't look fine at all." Strongarm said. "I've never seen him like this before." Bumblebee was walking in circles and he was obviously about to freak out. "Lieutenant, maybe you should sit down for a bit and relax? We'll find a way to-" Bee interrupted her, not impressed at all. "How do you expect me relax, Strongarm? Who knows what her mom has done to her?!" "You're right, lieutenant." She looked down. "We should've called the police the day Y/N told us about her mother.. even though we didn't have much evidence!" Denny said. "You're right." Bee said. "That's it! I'm calling the police, right now!" Denny said as he grabbed his phone and called 911.

911 dispatcher: 911 emergency. What's the problem?

Denny: we need the cops immediately. We have a friend named Y/N L/N and she is kidnapped by her mother.

911 dispatcher: Kidnapped by her mom, you say?

Denny: Her mom is an abusive woman who even tried to kill Y/N. That's the reason Y/N ran away from home and has been staying with me and my son. Sir, if we don't do anything now, we may be too late!

911 dispatcher: Y/N L/N? That is the girl on the news, right? Her mom said she went missing.

Denny: Yes! I am talking about her. She ran away for her life! And when we find Y/N she can tell you everything too! We have to help her now!

911 dispatcher: When exactly did she go missing?

Denny: She went missing today. A few hours ago.

911: We are sorry. We are not allowed to start investigation until it has been 24 hours.

Denny: 24 hours? Are you kidding me?! Who knows what her mother could do in those 24 hours?!

911 dispatcher: I am sorry but it is our rule. We have to wait.

Denny: *sighs* I.. understand.. Have a nice day..

Denny hung up and sighed again.

"What did they say, Denny?" Bumblebee asked. "They said they 'can't' start investigating before the person is missing for 24 hours." Bee sighed. "It looks like we need to find Y/N on our own. And we will." Bee looked up the sky.

"I won't leave you like that, Y/N.."

(A/N: Wooooo. Another chapter out. Sorry it took so long! :< I'll try and update faster! (I hope.. oop-))

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