Episode 25

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A/N: "If you haven't watched 'Orphan' and 'The grudge' and if you like horror and crime movies, go watch! :D (There is a little bit spoiling in here, sorry, it was necessary for the story :|)

Bee team was on a mission again. You and Russell were looking for a good movie but you didn't find anything yet. "Argh, there is nothing on TV!" Russell said. "Let's keep searching." You said as you kept going to the next channel. Still nothing. "This is useless. But hey, I know a horror movie we can watch on Netflix." You said as you grabbed your phone. "What movie is it?" Russell asked. "Have you seen the movie 'Orphan'?" You asked. "No. What is it about?" "Well, it's about an orphan named Esther. She was later adopted by a family who had 2 children but later it turned out that Esther wasn't that innocent at all.." Russell looked excited. "Cool! Let's watch it!" You opened your Netflix and searched the movie. "I have already seen the whole movie. But I'll watch it again." You said as the movie started.


Bee team arrived at the scrapyard again carrying another decepticon with them. They brought it to the stasis pods and put it in one. They went to check on you and Russell.


"What was that?" Grimlock asked. The autobots ran as fast as they could to where the scream came from.

"Wow.." Russell said as the woman screamed. Esther was holding the bloody hammer. "She literally killed that nun in front of that little girl!" Russell said. "Yes. I kinda jumped at that part." You laughed.

The autobots arrived at the diner and saw you and Russell. "What's going on? Is it a decepticon?!" Bee yelled as the autobots took out their weapons. You paused the movie and you and Russell just stared at them and then stared at each other. You both burst out laughing and the bots just looked confused. "Guys, don't worry. It's just a movie." Russell said. The bots lowered their weapons and looked at each other. They seemed a bit more relaxed. Bee sighed. "You scared us. Are you watching a scary movie?" You nodded. "Yes. It's called 'orphan'." You said. "Wanna watch?" You asked. Drift didn't seem impressed but watched along anyway. The bots sat behind you and Russell and watched along. Grimlock was the most scared. You looked at him and smirked. He gave an awkward smile back making you giggle.

*After the movie*

"That Esther was such an evil human!" Strongarm said as the movie ended. "I've never expected such thing from a human." Sideswipe said. "It was a cool movie." Bee said. "Well, anyone want another one?" You asked. Grimlock looked like he was about to say 'no', but Sideswipe was the first one to talk. "Bring it on!" He smirked. You quickly looked for another horror movie. "So, which one shall we watch?" You asked as you showed them some movies. "Hey, what's that one?" Sideswipe asked as he pointed to a movie which showed a woman with her black hair covering her face and showing only her left eye. "That's Kayako." You said. "She's a ghost in the movie. She and her son were killed by her husband but they felt vengeful and returned as ghosts." You explained them. "Woah. Let's watch it then!" Sidesqipe said and you started the movie.


Nearly all the bots jumped as the creature in the attic suddenly appeared out of nowhere and dragged the woman up to kill her. "Woah! What was that thing?!" Strongarm yelled. "That was Kayako. The ghost who returned for revenge." You said as you all watched the rest of the movie.

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