Episode 29

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You almost screamed as you opened your eyes. You tried to get up but you realized you couldn't move your arms. Your hands were chained behind your back. "scrap..!" You whispered. "Whoever did this.. You. Will. pay!!" you screamed in your mind. "Who could've done this..?!" You suddenly remembered what happened.


"MOM?!" You thought. "No.. this can't be true.. How could she possibly kidnap Emily? What the hell?!" You tried to struggle again even though you knew it would be no use. The chains made a lot of noise. Enough to alert the ones waiting outside of the room.

"Ma'am, I think she's awake. I'll go check."

You froze in fear. "Nononononono!!" You thought. You quickly lay your head down and pretended you were asleep. A second later 2 men entered the room. "Uh.. you sure she is awake?" "I heard the chains! She must be awake!" "But.. she's unconscious.." "She's probably just pretending.." The man walked up to you he roughly pulled you to make you sit up. Your eyes widened. "That trick won't work, understood?" You quickly nodded. The man had messy, brown hair and was wearing a blue jacket with black jeans. The other one had wavy, blonde hair and wore a white Tshirt with blue jeans. "I'm so dead.." You though.

"Out of my way." You heard a familiar voice. The man stepped aside and you saw your mom walking up to you dragging Emily along. "Emily.." Your eyes widened. "What have you done to her?!" You jumped up to your knees and growled at her. "You still haven't changed, have you?" She said while the man with the blue jacket tried to hold you down. But you kept moving violently. "Y..Y/N?" Emily's voice sounded weak. You didn't know how to respond. You just gritted your teeth at your mom. "You stupid-" You were about to jump at her but she pulled out her gun, holding against Emily's head. "Na ah! Not if you want your friend to live. Your only friend." She grinned at you while you just stared with wide eyes, not knowing what to do.


TF RID 2015 x Female!Werewolf!Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें