Episode 22

379 11 7

A/N: (Y/F/C) is your fur color
(W/E/C) is wolf eye color.

Russell's P.O.V

I was about to fall asleep when I suddenly heard a noise which sounded like.. wolf howling?! I got out of my bed and peeked out of the window. "Was that Steeljaw?" I thought to myself. I didn't see anything but I was sure I heard howling. I walked over to my dad who was snoring very loudly. "Dad? Dad!" I tried to wake him up by shaking him but he just wouldn't wake up. "This is useless.." I said. I wore my shoes, grabbed my jacket and left the camper. "Maybe Y/N is awake." I walked to Y/N's camper and knocked on the door. "Y/N? Are you awake?" I said. But Y/N didn't answer. I slowly opened the door and I saw it was unlocked. "Y/N always locks her door.. Why is it unlocked?" I thought as I peeked inside. Y/N wasn't there. I noticed that she left a drawer open where she usually puts a blanket she really liked. "Did the decepticons take her?!" I thought to myself. I shut the door and ran towards the autobots. On my way I suddenly heard a weird noise. As if something was digging in the ground. I slowly walked towards where the noise came from. I saw something digging a hole in the ground. It looked like an animal. I hid behind one of my dad's stuff as I watched the animal. I noticed it had (Y/F/C) fur. It had a wolf tail.. "Scrap.. how did a wolf get in the scrap yard?!" I thought. The wolf suddenly stopped digging. It slowly climbed out of the hole and I couldn't believe what I saw.. "What kind of wolf is that?!" I whispered to myself. It was very big. It looked like a werewolf. "I thought they weren't real.." I thought. The wolf looked around and suddenly it looked at me. 'Scrap.." I ran as fast as I could but the wolf was too fast. It ran and jumped in front of me. I tried to run the other way but the wolf tackled me. It's eyes glowing (W/E/C). The wolf snarled at me, showing it's very sharp teeth. It moved it's snout closer to my face and sniffed me. I wanted to try and break free but then I noticed something tied around the wolf's neck. It's Y/N's blanket.. And I noticed a necklace around it's neck too.. "It can't be..." The wolf looked at me again for a second and then it started whining as if it was in pain.

No one's P.O.V

The clouds got in front of the moon again, meaning you would turn back into a human. You started to whine of pain and tried to run away but it was too late. You fur was becoming less and you felt your body becoming human again. Your claws turned back into human fingers. Your teeth became normal again and your snout turned back into a human face. You screamed of pain as Russell stared in shock. You were finally in your full human form. You looked at Russell and he looked back at you. That's when you realized..

you were actually standing naked in front of a boy..

You blushed like crazy and quickly covered yourself with the blanket that was still around your neck.

TF RID 2015 x Female!Werewolf!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora