Episode 9

877 24 4

Reader's P.O.V

"NOOOO!!!!" I yelled. "DON'T YOU DARE!" Divebomb looked at me. "I'M NOT AN OBJECT!" I yelled but Divebomb grinned and threw me at Airazor. "AAAH!!" I screamed and closed my eyes. I heard a crash and then I felt myself in metal arms and I was sure I was caught by Airazor. I opened my eyes and saw it wasn't Airazor. It was the the small red robot. "Are you alright, (Y/N)?" He said in a gentle tone. "Yeah.." I said. Yup, they were definitely trying to rescue me! The robot ran somewhere far enough from the other evil ones and put me down. "Are you injured?" He asked. "No, I'm fine. Thank you." I said. "You're welcome." He said before running back to help the others. I turned around and saw Russell running up to me. "Come on, let's get out of here!" He said while grabbing my hand and pulling me along. Suddenly Airazor jumped in front of us. Russell pulled me to the other direction but Divebomb was standing there. "Scrap.." Russell said. "I hope that all of this is just a nightmare.." I whispered to myself. "This is real, (Y/N).." Russell said. The two bots walked up to us but just then the small black robot jumped on Airazor and knocked him out. "Thanks Jetstorm!" Russell said as he ran and I ran too. I heard another crash and looked back to see that the red one who saved me knocked Divebomb out. I wasn't paying attention and before I knew it.. "ouch!" I ran into a tree.. AGAIN?! (Silly you🙃) "Damn you, (Y/N)! Look where you're going!" I thought. Then I heard someone laughing from behind me. I looked up and saw Fracture walking up to me. "You humans are so clumsy." He said as he was about to grab me. Before he could, the orange one that unleashed the two small robots hit him. "Go." He said to me and I ran. "Don't look back before you get yourself in another awkward situation.." I whispered to myself. I finally caught up yo Russell and we were far enough from the bots. "Do you umm.. know them?" I asked him. "Yeah, I should probably tell you, since you saw everything anyway. They are my friends." "Wow, you have real robot friends. You're lucky. Luckier than I could ever be.." I whispered the last sentence so he couldn't hear. "I know, right? Look, the ones with the red logos are autobots. They are my friends and the ones with the purple logos are Decepticons. They are our enemies. Be careful for them." "Um.. Autobots, good. Decepticons, evil. Alright." I said. We heard footsteps behind us. We turned around and saw a man a running at us. "Hey, dad!" Russell said. "He's the man I saw in the hospital.." I thought. "Hey, we meet again, (Y/N)! I'm Denny." He said with a smile. "Did Steeljaw's pack hurt you?" "No, I'm alright." "Good to hear. We should probably take you home. Where do you live? Your parents must be wo-" "NO! I mean.. no.. I.." Denny and Russell looked at me confused and worried at the same time. Denny opened his mouth to say something but just then the one named Bumblebee walked up to us. "Scrap, he got away." He said and then looked down at me. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded. "Please, promise you won't tell anyone about about our existence. We aren't supposed to be seen by any other humans." "I won't tell. I promise." He nodded. "Are you far from your home? Would you like a ride back?" He asked. "I can't go back.." I said. He gave me a surprised look. "Why not?" He asked. "I.." I wanted to tell but the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. "Hey, it's okay if you don't want to talk about it. You probably need some rest." He said. "Um.. I.." I couldn't even speak. This was too much for me.. Being bullied at school, almost dying in a fire in the forest, then my mom tried to kill me, and now I've met giant robots?! I felt tired, confused and scared at the same time. I felt very dizzy and my body felt like it's paralysed. I let myself fall on the ground and the last thing I saw was Denny and Russell running up to me before everything went black..

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