Episode 18

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You opened your eyes and you were in the forest again. "Okay, why the hell am I ending up here all the time?!" You said out loud. You growled of anger. "Child, didn't anyone teach you that dreams can have meanings?" You heard someone say. This time it was a male voice. You saw the woman again with a man next to her. He looked like a king because of his clothes. He had a sad look on his face. The woman was still crying. "What do you want from me? Who are you?!" They said nothing. The man took out a shiny object from his pocket. He held out a silver crescent moon necklace with a picture of two wolves. (See picture). "Take it." He said and you did as he said. "Wear it wherever you go. Don't you dare loose it!" The man said in a more stern tone. The two disappeared in the fog and everything went black.
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You opened your eyes and saw you were in your camper. "Wait.. Didn't I go to the forest?" You got out of your bed and opened your door. You saw Bumblebee walking in circles in front of your camper. He looked worried and was lost in his thoughts. "Bee?" You said. He jumped a little and looked at you. His face looked more relaxed now. He sighed. "Y/N? Are you alright?" He said as he kneeled down. "Yeah. Um.. Did you.. bring me back here?" "Yes. You were unconscious in the forest. How many times did we tell you to stay here?" He said in a stern tone. "I don't know if you'll understand, but I like the forest more than a scrap yard. So.." You glared at him. "Even if you do, you must stay here. It's too dangerous." He said. "You can't just tell me what to do! I'm old enough to make my own decisions!" You said as you walked away. But suddenly Bumblebee grabbed you and lifted you up. "Put me down!" You yelled as you struggled. "Y/N, you're not going anywhere!" You looked up at him and realized how close you were to his face. "Wow.. He's.. Handsome.." You thought. You couldn't help but blush a little and look away. You didn't realize Bee was saying something to you. "Y/N!" Bee yelled your name making you jump a little and look at him. "Were you even listening to me?" He asked. "Oh, sorry. What were you saying?" You giggled nervously. Bee sighed. "I said, you're going to stay here at the scrap yard or one of us will go with you. You have to choose." You thought about it. "I guess I could go everywhere with Bumblebee." You thought. "I guess I'll go with one of you." Bee nodded. "Who would you like to have as a guardian?" He asked. You smiled. "You." Bee smiled. "Alright!"

TF RID 2015 x Female!Werewolf!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now