Episode 10

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*Previous Episode*

You felt dizzy and weak and then everything went black..
"(Y/N)?! (Y/N)!!!!"

*Back to now*

No one's P.O.V

*groan* "Where am I..?" You slowly got up and saw you were in the forest. "Did they just leave me here?!" You thought. You felt disappointed and angry at the same time. Suddenly there was a lot of white fog everywhere and then it became windy. "Ugh, what am I supposed to do now?!" You said out loud. "You should find me.." You heard someone whisper from behind you. You turned around and saw a woman with long, dark brown hair. She was wearing a long, white dress. The dress had a hood that was pulled over her head. "Is she an angel?" You thought. "Wh.. Who are you?!" You said. "Don't be afraid, my dear.. I will explain everything. Be patient.." She said. She had a very soft, pure voice. She suddenly disappeared in the fog. "W..Wait!" You shouted but she was already gone. "Hello?" You shouted. Suddenly the wind became stronger and stronger. You felt dizzy again. Your sight became blurry and your head ached a lot. You fell on your knees. "(Y/N).." You heard a voice but you didn't see anyone. "(Y/N).." you heard again. "(Y/N).. (Y/N).. (Y/N).." someone repeatedly said your name and whenever your name was said your had ached even more. "MAKE IT STOP!!!!" You yelled. Everything went black..

You opened your eyes and almost screamed. You sat up and saw you were in a bed. "What a weird dream. And where am I?!" You thought. You looked around and realized you weren't in a room. You were in something that looked like a camper. You got out of the bed and opened the door slowly. You carefully peeked outside and looked around. "Yup, nobody around." You said. The you realized you were in a.. Scrap yard?! You quickly got out of the camper and looked for an exit. "Omg, what on earth am I doing in a Scrap yard?!" You thought. She walked around a bit hoping to find an exit but unfortunately you didn't find any. The scrap yard was pretty big. You wandered around for a bit until you saw some stasis pods. "What are thoooose?!" You thought. You walked closer to the stasis pods. You saw robots in them. Their yellow and red eyes looked like they were staring at you. "Lots of creeps here.. I'm out." You said. You turned around and ran away but just then you ran into someone or.. someTHING. You looked up and saw a small, orange robot. "They didn't leave me in the forest?" You thought. "Oh, you're awake! How are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm uh.. fine, I guess?" "I'll notify the rest immediately. Oh, I'm Fixit, by the way!" He said excitedly as he left. You decided to wait for him and think about the weird dream you just had. "I should.. find 'her '? Who the heck was that woman?!" You thought.

Bumblebee's P.O.V

I was talking to the rest of the team until I heard Fixit "Lieutenant, she's awake!" "Where is she?" I asked. "Follow me, sir!" He said and and we followed him. We saw (Y/N) standing next to Denny's camper. I walked up to her and kneeled down. "(Y/N)? How are you feeling?" "I'm feeling better. Where are we?" She asked. "We're in Denny's scrap yard. This is his home and also our place to hide. We'll explain everything now." I explained her about the decepticons and autobots and our planet Cybertron." "Okay, so you're here to protect earth?" She asked. "Yes. We are here to capture all the deceptions that have escaped. Let us introduce ourselves to you." I introduced myself and so did the rest of of the of the team. We have a new human friend.

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