Episode 19

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*2 days later*

You and Bee had become pretty close. Closer than you were to the others. You were kinda having a crush on him.. "Hey, Bee!" You said as you ran up to your new guardian. Bumblebee smiled at you. "Hey, Y/N. What is it?" "Just wanted to ask, shall we go for a walk together?" You asked. You tried not to sound too nervous. "Well, there is no decepticon activity right now. So I guess we can go for a walk." He said. "Yay! Come on, let's go!" You said happily as you ran to the gate. "Y/N! Stop running away!" Bee shouted as he ran after you.

*In the forest*

Bumblebee's P.O.V
Y/N and I arrived at the forest. We walked for a few minutes. "Bee. Let's stop here." Y/N said. She walked up to a river and sat down. She took a photos of the forest. I suddenly heard rustling sounds. I looked around me but saw nothing. "Weird.." I whispered. Y/N walked up to me. "Shall we go back now?" I asked and she nodded. While walking back, I noticed Y/N has been very quiet. "Y/N? You're very quiet. What's the matter?" "Huh? Oh. Nothing. I was just lost in thoughts." She smiled. "Oh, alright.." We continued walking until I saw something shining in the corner of my optic. It came from Y/N. I noticed a necklace around her neck which she didn't have when we found her unconscious. "Hey, Y/N. Nice necklace you've got there." She gave me a confused look. "Necklace? I'm not wearing a-" She stopped talking when she looked down. "But.. I never had a necklace like this!" She said. She looked up at me. "I didn't even realize I was wearing one." "Have you ever seen a necklace like this before?" "No, I haven't."  Just as I was about to say something I heard rustling sounds again and someone whispering something.. I took out my deception hunter and stood in front of Y/N. I got in a fighting position and looked around me. I saw some figures behind the trees. Robots.. I couldn't see if they were decepticons or not. "Come out!" I yelled. The figures stepped out of the shadows..


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