Episode 5

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You turned around to see a man. He had light brown hair and a beard. Next to him was a boy with darker brown hair and blue eyes. The man looked kinda worried. "Are you allowed to leave yet?" He asked. "I don't care!" You said. "I need to see my friends!" "I understand that but you should probably rest a bit first." He said. "I did rest enough. I can go now." "I don't think so." A female voice spoke. You looked up and saw a female doctor. "We need to make sure you're okay first." "I'm Okay!" You yelled back. "I can go whenever I want!" You always hated hospitals and you were always cold towards doctors. Another thing of being the beast you are. "Young lady, this is not up to you. Please return your room." The doctor said. "No!" You yelled as you ran as fast as you could towards the exit. "HEY! COME BACK HERE!" You heard the doctor yell. You ignored it and kept running. You finally found the exit. You opened the door and ran outside back into the forest because it would be difficult for them to find you in there. You were tired but you were afraid the doctors were behind you so you kept running deeper into the forest. You ran for a few minutes until your legs finally gave up. You fell on the ground. You tried to catch your breath. It was a little difficult for you to run because you were still wearing the hospital clothes. You hated the clothes but you couldn't go back to get your dress. When you gained your energy back you got up and walked home. You knew your parents would probably kill you but you didn't care. After a few minutes you arrived home. It was already a little dark outside when you arrived. You climbed back through your window and changed into a more comfortable outfit. You wore a cropped pink hoodie, denim shorts and black sneakers. You laid down on your bed and sighed. "I hope I'll never see those doctors again." You thought as you closed your eyes and fell asleep. You woke up to the ringtone of your phone. You got up and saw Emily was calling you.

You: Hey, Em. What's up?

Emily: OMG! (Y/N)! Are you okay?!

You: Don't worry, I'm fine.

Emily: I was worried sick! Are you sure you're alright?!

You: Really, don't worry. I'm feeling alright!

Emily: *sigh* Just wanted to make sure. Call me if you need anything, Okay?

You: Of course! Thanks for calling me.

Emily: Anytime, baby girl! I'll see you at school tomorrow!

You: Alright, see ya tomorrow!

You giggled and hung up. You had to go to the restroom and so you did. When you were done you washed your hands and went downstairs. Your stomach was growling so you decided to make yourself a sandwhich. When you got downstairs your dad was walking by. "What? He's supposed to be at work now!" You thought. He glared at you and rolled his eyes. "At least he didn't hit me or yell at me.." You thought and went to kitchen. To your relief your mom wasn't there. You made your sandwich as fast as you could before your mom came in. You finally finished and decided to eat it in your room. You went back upstairs to your room and locked your door. You sat down on your bed and enjoyed your food. Suddenly you heard your mom calling your name. "Uh oh.." You thought. You slowly opened your door and went downstairs. "Hurry up!" She yelled. You entered the kitchen to find your mom sitting on a chair at the running table. "Yes, mom?" You tried to sound innocent but your mom was looking at you as if you're a criminal. This felt so damn awkward. "I got a call from the hospital." She looked like she was about to hit you. "You ran away from there while the doctor told you to stay. What were you even doing at the hospital? Did you sneak out of the house yesterday?!" She yelled and got up and this caused you to jump a little. She walked up to you. "Why did I ever make you?! What kind of child do I have?! I wish you were never born!" She yelled and slapped your face. You felt your cheek burning. "You're grounded for life, brat!" She yelled as she slapped you again. "Go to your room, now!" She said as she pulled you up by your hair and pushed you towards the door. "Or.. You know what?" She suddenly said. "Why not just get rid of you?" She said as she opened a drawer and pulled out a knife. Your eyes widened as she came closer. She tried to stab your heart with the knife but you dodged. "MOM?! WHAT THE HELL?!" You yelled. "I regret ever making you! You're worthless and useless!" She yelled as she kicked you down. Even though you don't love her, you didn't want to hurt her either. She tried to stab you again but you rolled away just in time. "I'm sorry.. " You whispered as you kicked her in the stomach. She groaned of the pain. You kicked her in the face and she fell on the floor. You ran to the door and ran out of the house. You ran towards the forest again as it's the only place where you can hide easily. You ran and until your legs couldn't carry you anymore. "I really need to go to the gym more often.." You said to yourself. You stopped for a minute to catch your breath again. You looked around and saw you were far enough for your home. You noticed it was very dark already. You walked a bit deeper into the woods but you suddenly got an uneasy feeling again. The same feeling you got when you came here with Emily. You suddenly heard a noise behind you. You turned around and what you saw caused you to freak out immediately.. "No.."

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