Episode 23

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"Aaah don't look!"

Russell quickly looked away blushing. "I'm sorry!" "Come with me.." You growled as you and Russell walked to your camper.

*Inside your camper*

You quickly wore some new underwear and pajamas and put the blanket back in your drawer. "Okay you can come in now." You told Russell. Russell got in your camper and you both sat on your bed. "Russell.. Don't tell anyone about this." "Why did you keep this a secret?" He asked. "I didn't want to scare anyone.." You said while looking down. "I'm sorry for not telling earlier. But please, don't tell anyone!" "Alright. I won't tell." He said smiling. "Thank you.." You smiled back. "Were you born as a werewolf or cursed?" Russell asked. "I was probably born as one." You said. "This is the reason my parents and the people at school don't like me. Sometimes I can't really act like a human. I can't help it. But nobody knows I'm a werewolf. Only you know." You explained. "I'm sorry to hear." He said. "It's fine. We should go back to sleep." You said as you checked your phone. "It's 11pm." Russell nodded and left your camper and you locked the door. You climbed back in your bed and closed your eyes.

*The next day*

You woke up to someone shouting your name. "Y/N!" It was Russell. "Yeah..?" You said, still sleepy. "Dad made breakfast. Come on!" He said. "Coming.." you said as you slowly got up. You softly growled as you checked your phone. 8:20 am. "Ugh.." You groaned as you kicked your blanket off of you. You wore a (F/C) T-shirt and jeans. You put on some sneakers and wore your necklace. "I hope it won't do anything stupid in front if the others." You thought as you left your camper.

You entered the diner and you smelled the scent of bacon and eggs. Denny and Russell were there watching the news. You sat down next to Russell and watched along. They were talking about the weather and blah blah blah. Then the next topic came. They were talking about a girl that has been missing for weeks. Denny gave you and Russell your plates with eggs and bacon and you starting eating. You almost spit out your food of shock as you saw the girl on the TV. You saw your selfies on the screen. "Ugh they literally picked out the worst selfies I have!" You whined while still digging the food in your mouth. They showed one of the selfies where you wore a diadem with wolf ears on it and making the 'peace' gesture with your hand. "Dear God.." You said as you facepalmed. Russell tried not to laugh at your ridiculous selfie. "Ugh even the news reporters have to make fun of me.." you whined again. "The girl was last seen at the hospital. Y/N's mother was very worried. Especially when the doctors said that Y/N has run away from the hospital. She hasn't returned home after that, according to her mother." You rolled your eyes. The you saw your mother on the screen and she was crying in your dad's arms. They were being interviewed. "I loved her so much!" Your mom said. "I never expected my dear daughter to run away!" This angered you so much. You tried your best not to break anything. "Dear Y/N, if you're watching, please, sweety, come back home! I love you!" She said. "We all hope Y/N L/N will be found. The police are doing their best to find your daughter." "Thank you.." your mom said. The interviewer said. You couldn't look at it anymore. You screamed very loudly and Denny and Russell jumped a little. You slammed your fists on the table and got up growling. "Liar! She's such a liar!" You yelled. "I did return home! That's when she tried to kill me! I had to run for my life!" You cried and ran out of the diner. "Y/N, wait!" You heard Denny shout but you just ran out because you didn't want to cry in front of anyone anymore. But you didn't know someone was already standing where you were running to..

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