Episode 6

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"No.." You whispered as you saw 2 red eyes staring at you from behind the trees. Suddenly 2 more pairs of red eyes appeared and stared at you too. You gasped as you ran away as fast as you could. However, you got the feeling you were being followed. You kept running and you accidentally ran into a tree. "Ouch.. My poor noooose.." You got up while holding your nose. You started running again but you ran into something again. "UGH.." You thought and looked up. You realized you didn't run into a tree this time. You ran into a person. "Oh, you're the boy from the hospital." You said. "Oh, it's you. Why did you run away?" He asked. "I don't like hospitals and doctors..?" You said. "You could've gotten worse." He said. "I know.. But still. What's your name?" "I'm Russell." He smiled. "I'm (Y/N)" You said smiling back. "It looked like you were in a hurry. Where were you going?" "Oh, I.. had something important to do.." You lied. "Umm.. okay." He said. He probably noticed you were lying. You were about to walk away until you felt a hand on your shoulder. "Are you alright?" He asked. "I.." Before you could say anything else something purple flew by and almost hit you In the face. Suddenly you saw two purple robots in front of you. Your couldn't believe what you saw. An ever bigger purple robot appeared from behind the trees and looked down at you and Russell and smirked. "(Y/N), run!" Russell said as you both ran.

*meanwhile in the Scrap yard*

"Lieutenant Bumblebee. I'm picking up a decepticon signal in the forested area just east of here." Fixit said. "But Rusty went there!" Denny said. "Scrap! Let's hurry before he gets hurt!" Bumblebee said. "Let's rev up and roll out!" They all drove to the forest.

--Back to you--
You tried your best to keep running even though you were about to give up again. "(Y/N), do you know a safe place?!" Russell asked. "My house isn't far from here but.." "Then let's go!" "No! Wait! We can't!" You shouted. You both kept running until your legs couldn't carry you anymore. "I think we lost them.." You said. "Why can't we go to your house?" Russell asked. "I.. I'd rather not talk about it now.." "Okay. We have to hide before they come back." He said and you both ran again.

Bumblebee's P.O.V
We drove as fast as we could go the forest after 10 minutes we arrived there. "Fixit, how close are we?" I asked. "You're not too far from the deception. You need to head north to catch them." "Alright. Let's go, now." I said as we transformed into our vehicle modes again.

--Back to you--
You and Russell hid in a cave which was big enough for you two to fit in but is too small for a robot. "I hope we're safe here." You thought. You heard footsteps coming closer and saw it was the big purple robot again. It walked towards the cave you and Russell were hiding in and stopped there. You held in your breath for a bit. He walked away again and you waited a bit longer. When he didn't come back you decided to get out of the cave. You looked around and saw the robot was gone. Russell came too and you sighed of relief. "Let's get out of here." You said. You wanted to walk but suddenly you heard Russell scream. You turned around and saw that one of the smaller purple robots was holding him. Suddenly you were grabbed from behind by the other robot. "LET ME GO!" You yelled only to hear someone's evil laughter. The bigger robot came out of the shadows again and smirked. "Humans.. so easy to capture them." He laughed as the smaller ones carried you and Russell with them. You and Russell struggled to break free but they were too strong for you.

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