Episode 1:

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You are (Y/N) (L/N), a young teenager girl with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. You are a werewolf and that's the reason why you can't really act like a human or understand some things that humans do understand. You never liked acting like a human but you had to. Because if you didn't, people would give you weird looks and then wouldn't hang out with you and you didn't want to be alone. You couldn't help it sometimes and that's why you got bullied at your school. You had to transfer to another school. But even there you are being bullied. Even your parents don't know you're a werewolf and always thought you don't have manners.
They kept calling you a beast and treated you like garbage. (I'm so sorry if you love your parents but it's for the story >.<) You were always trying to have a normal life, but ended up having a life you never expected to have.. Here's your story:

"(Y/N)! Get up already! Do I have to tell you everything?!" You woke up at your mom yelling at you, like always. You rushed out of bed hoping your mom wouldn't come in and beat you again. You quickly changed into a (F/C) hoodie and black jeans. You grabbed your backpack and hurried downstairs. "Finally, there you are, little brat." You mom glared at you. "Sorry mom.." You whispered. When she looked back at her food you ran out of the house and thank God, she didn't see you. You ran to the bus stop and saw you just missed the bus. "Ugh, I hate mondays.." You said and waited for the next bus.

10 minutes later the next bus arrived and drove you to school. While sitting in the bus you sighed and looked out of the window. "Why? Why do my parents treat me like this? It's not my fault I'm born like this, is it..?" You thought. 5 minutes later you left the bus and walked to your school. "And of course, I shouldn't expect anything nice to happen today.. There they are.." You thought when you saw two boys and a girl walk up to you. They are Glenn, Oscar and Sidney. Their 'leader' was Glenn. He was the biggest jerk of them. Last time they beat you up in the forest and there was nobody around to help you. You were bleeding from everywhere and your parents blamed you for starting a fight while you didn't.

"Hey, loser! Haven't gotten your manners back yet?" "Oh, she probably didn't. She still has nobody to hang out with!" They all laughed at you. Even a few passersby laughed. You ran past them as fast as you could and entered the school. "Scaredy cat!!" They shouted from behind but you ignored them. You are a werewolf, you are strong and you can beat the three of them at the same time, but you didn't want to get in trouble either. You heard the bell ring and you went to your class. Sidney was in that class too and her seat was next to yours. "Ugh.. Why?!" You thought. While the teacher was teaching you felt something sharp in your leg. You looked down and saw that Sidney was poking your leg with her pen. You hit her hand and growled at her. "You're such a beast." She whispered and grinned. You rolled your eyes and looked back at your work. It was pretty hard for you to focus because Sidney kept annoying you. During the break you bought a drink from the cafeteria. You sat down on a chair while thinking about your parents.

They used to be so nice to you. Only because they don't know what you are, they're treating you like garbage. "They're not good parents at all.." You thought. "If they were good parents, they would never treat me like this, no matter how much of a 'beast' I am.." You snapped out of your thoughts when you felt a hand on your shoulder. "Are you alright?" A female voice spoke. You looked up to see a a girl with black hair in two braids which were over her shoulders. (See picture) "Yes, I am." "Oh, alright. You looked kinda sad. I'm Emily, by the way." She said. "I'm (Y/N)" You said. She looked really nice. She's the first one that actually talked to you. "Why are you sitting here all alone? Haven't you got any friends?" "Um.. No, not really.." "You can hang out with me!" She said. "Thanks." "Nobody would hang out with me.. But she seems so nice.." You thought.

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