Episode 21

422 11 2

A/N: "I've decided to do it like this.. When you transform willingly, you transform into a normal wolf and you will still have your clothes on when you're human again. But when you transform at full moon you'll turn into that one beast-like wolf. And you won't have your clothes on again when you transform back into a human." (don't judge 😣) And the picture is you but imagine yourself with ur fave fur color.

Bumblebee and his team went on another mission so you sat bored in your camper. "What to do.. what to do.. what to do.." You thought to yourself. "You decided to do something on your phone. You went to Instagram and watched some vines and blah blah blah until you heard your stomach growl. "I dont want to get uuuup.." you whined in your head. You tried to ignore it but your stomach kept growling, begging for food. "Alright alright.. this stomach growls louder than I do." You mumbled. You weren't sure what to eat. "Let's go check what we have in the diner." You thought as you went to the diner. "Let's see what we have.." you said as you opened the fridge. You saw vegatables, eggs, cheese and fruit. You decided to look in the freezer. You didn't find anything you like much. "Aww why?!" You shut the freezer. "Meh, I'll take some fruit.." You said as you took an apple from the fridge. "Not my fave, but it'll do.." You said as you walked back to your camper. As you got back in your camper you remembered the necklace again. "I totally forgot about it." You took the necklace out of drawer where you put it. "How did I even get this necklace?" You said out loud to yourself. "Well, I guess I could wear it toda-" You couldn't finish your sentence. The part with the picture of the wolves suddenly started to glow. "Y/N.." You heard a male voice say. "Yikes!" You dropped the necklace and took a step back. "Pick up the necklace, Y/N.." You slowly walked towards the necklace and picked it up. "Wh..Who are you?!" You asked. The picture of the wolves disappeared and instead, you saw the face of a man. "You.. I remember you!" The man you saw in your dream appeared in the necklace. His eyes were glowing yellow. "You will find out about everything, Y/N. Make sure you always have this necklace with you.." The man said. His voice sounded stern. "Why don't you tell me who you a-" Before you finished your sentence the man disappeared and you saw the picture of the wolves on your necklace again. "Why you.. Ugh whatever." You said as you hung the necklace around your neck. You checked your phone and it was already 7pm. "Wow. Time flies by fast." You said. Suddenly you had an idea. "Maybe I'll see that man again in my dream.." You got in bed and closed your eyes. You were going to try and ask that man again. You needed answers!

*time skip*

You opened your eyes. "Ugh!!!" You growled of anger and pain and jumped out of your bed. You didn't see the man in your dream. "Why does he appear whenever I don't want to see him?! Why not when I do want it? And why does my body ache so badly?!" You said to yourself. You checked your phone and saw it was 10 pm. "Did I sleep only for 3 hours? Ugh.." You walked out of your camper. You kinda walked in a weird way because of the pain. It was pretty windy outside but you're a werewolf. You can handle the cold weathers very well. You decided to get some fresh air so you decided to go for a walk in the scrap yard. You couldn't walk peacefully at all! Your body started to ache more and more. You growled and whined in pain. "Wait.." You looked up at the sky. "Scrap!" The full moon was shining brightly. You looked down at your hands. You noticed a lot of fur has already grown on your hand. "No.. nobody may see me like this! I need to grab a blanket.." You ran back to your camper, completely ignoring the pain. You grabbed a thin blanket out of your drawer and ran out again. You ran far away from the campers (Denny's camper is next to yours)

You ran somewhere else as fast as you could. You fingers have become very sharp claws. You felt your teeth with your tongue and they were extremely sharp. You arrived somewhere far enough from the bots, stasis pods, and the campers. You tied the blanket around your neck like a cape. You let the moon take control of you, since there was no way of stopping the transformation anyway. You let yourself fall on the ground. You felt your tail growing and your arms becoming bigger and hairier.. Your nose became a snout and your eyes glowed (F/C). You looked up and howled at the moon.


TF RID 2015 x Female!Werewolf!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now