You nodded and she left with a small wave.

"You tamed the demon." Vincent murmured, swimming up beside you.

You turned to look at him, puzzled, "What do you mean? She's nice."

"She's cold-hearted at best. Don't you see how on edge Sean is? She lashes out at random and at anyone, that's why he was trying to divert her attention from you."

You watched as she said something to Sean and left the room, her husband following.

"And his father? Gabriel?"

"Gabriel is on a whole different plane of existence." Xander said, watching Sean.

"What does that mean?" You asked.

"He's been in the land of money and fame for so long that he doesn't know how to hold a regular conversation." Elijah said with a laugh. "It's only business deals and buildings that he knows how to talk about."

"They sound like a charming pair." You commented.

"Not as charming as we could be." Mason mused beside you, winking.

"Drown." You said as you swam away from him.

"How mean." Mason called out and you rolled your eyes.

The six of you didn't spend much more than an hour in the pool after that. Eventually, you got out and started drying off which prompted all of them to do the same. Sean never got back in the pool and resigned to talking to you on the side of it.

After you had dried off substantially, the six of you filed out of the room and headed down the hall and up the stairs. The boys departed from you except for Sean and Elijah who followed you down the hall.

You opened your door and stepped inside. Going to shut it, someone's foot stopped it and you looked up to see Seans worried face.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"Dinner, will be soon. We spent most of the day at the pool." He said carefully.

"Okay, thank you for telling me." You said, going to shut your door again.

"No, not just that. I...." He sighed, closing his eyes, "Dress nice, and I mean nice. My parents don't know you well so they're going to try to judge you tonight."

You nodded slowly, "I would too if I found a random girl in my house."

He looked at you for a moment before sighing again, "Well, that's it. Just find a nice dress and that should be good enough."

He disappeared down the hall. You softly shut the door and walked into the bathroom. You stepped into the shower after taking off your bathing suit and let the water relax and soothe you. Stepping back out, you grabbed a new towel and ventured into the closet to look around.

After a few minutes of looking, you had three dresses pulled out and sitting on a stool. Eventually, you hung one back up, deciding that it wasn't formal enough and looked back down at the two in front of you. A short black dress and a light seafoam green almost bodycon.

Do I try to look like Josephine in an attempt to flatter her, or do I go the classic refined route ...? You furrowed your brow weighing the options.

There was a knock on your door and you peeked your head out of the bathroom to look at who was there. Your eyes widened when you saw the person.

"Gale?" You asked, receding more into the bathroom.

"(Y/n)? You're alive!" He said as he came towards you. His eyes widened as he saw your state of clothing and stopped moving.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You disappeared for two days. The staff hadn't seen you anywhere."

You nodded slowly, "Yeah... Don't ask about it. Shouldn't you be with the dogs?"

"Master Gabriel takes care of them when he's home. They're more attached to him anyway." Gale said with a soft smile.

A thought came into your head, "Do you know the tastes of Sean's mom?"

He looked at you with a confused expression, "I would think so. I've worked here for most of my life."

"Great! Then can you help me? I need to look nice for tonight's dinner, apparently but I don't know which one is going to leave a better impression on her." You explained.

He smiled, "I'll try my best."

"Thank you Gale!" You said happily as you shut the door to the bathroom.

Going back to the closet, you pulled on the black dress and looked at yourself in the mirror. You didn't look bad, but it definitely screamed business.

Stepping into the bedroom, you looked at Gale expectantly.

"What? No turn? No pose? Come on (Y/n) give me something to work with." He teased as he looked over the dress.

You rolled your eyes with a smile and did a small twirl.

"There we go." He said with a laugh, "Alright, go try the other one on and then I'll give you my verdict."

You nodded and went back into the closet. Trading the black one for the green one, you walked back into the bedroom.

His eyes widened slightly and he stared at you for a moment before he cleared his throat, "Turn."

You did so and saw his cheeks turn pink, "That one."

You raised an eyebrow, "This one?"

"Definitely. It's the same type of style as her, has the green color that she's known for, and compliments you well. The black one's not nearly as flattering."

You blushed slightly and nodded, "Thanks Gale."

"Anytime. I wouldn't mind playing fashion designer more often if it's with you." He laughed.

You nodded, disappearing back into the closet and reemerging with a pair of white heels, "Do you think these would work?"

He shook his head, "Find flats. They'll work better for you in this situation."

You nodded again and retrieved the white flats, slipping them onto your feet, "You're a lifesaver Gale."

"That's what I'm here for." He watched as you brushed your hair and started styling it.

He blinked a few times and shook his head before clearing his throat, "Anyway, (Y/n). I was hoping that maybe ..." He trailed off, staring out the window.

"Hm?" You asked, turning to him, bobby pin in your mouth.

"If you maybe wanted to hang out tomorrow? We could go take the dogs around the garden."

You nodded happily, "Sure! I wanted to see the gardens since the only experience I've really had in it was passing out."

He let out a deep breath and smiled, "Tomorrow then."

"Tomorrow." You agreed.

He stared at you for a few moments before shaking his head slightly, "U-Um, I should go. I'll need to feed the dogs soon."

You nodded and waved. He raised his hand in recognition and hastily walked out the door.

You hummed to yourself as you finished fixing up your hair and turned to see someone standing in the doorway.

Jumping slightly, you frowned, "Were you going to announce yourself?"

"I was waiting to see how long it would take you to notice." Vincent said with a smile. He was wearing a navy blue suit with a white dress shirt underneath.

"Don't try to scare me like that." You said with a sigh.

"I didn't mean to." He came into the room and sat on your bed.

"What's wrong? Did you need something?"

He shook his head.

"Then why are you here?"

A laugh escaped his lips, "I'm your escort, silly." 

A/N: Happy 50th chapter!

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