Chapter 29

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I woke up yet again on the same sheets entangled to him, his face at ease while he breaths slowly. I trace my fingers along his abs and perfect V.

Urging to go to the bathroom, I get up and move forward only to be wrapped by an arm. "Stay with me", He says, in a sleepy voice. Oh thats sexy.

"I have to pee!", I say jumping out of bed, My feet are wobbly from the glorious sex we just had. chuckling to what seems so obvious, He picks me up bridal style and made into to the bathroom, placing me in the tub with the warm water running through my back and into the tub.
this feels good. He jumps in and starts scrubbing my back. we stay like that for awhile. "I think we should go to Katie's, I mumble, playing with the suds. "alright princess", he says kissing my shoulder.

We arrive at Katie's place after what it seems to be about an hour, knocking at the door, "katie? you home",

We try to turn the door knob and it is unlocked, Both of us giving that unlikely look of this situation. we barge in. only to find out katie making out with a stranger.
"Woah, I'm sorry", I squeal, turning back. She looks over to us, her cheeks reddening.

"Rossseee, I uh- uh—, Meet kevin", she says nervously, directing the topic to the man infront of me. my eyes scanned the man with dark hair and  tanned skin standing behind her, not so tall as damon, damon dominates this fucking room. from which I remember she did talk to a guy at the ball, this must be him. I extend a hand, "hello, its nice to meet you, I'm rose and this here is damon", he responds by shaking my hand, "Hello, it's nice to meet you as well", i hear damon groan. and the silent nods between them. Do they know each other?

Damon and kevin went outside from it appears to be a manly talk about dating his sister.

leaving me and kate inside, alone, I got the time to enclose what's happening between me and damon.

"um kate, I have to tell you something",

She raise a palm in the air, " I know rose, I know", she responds before she jumps right at me, "Tell me everything about the two of you", she squeals.
How does she know? Damn this woman has to have a sixth sense.

I continue with the story and she looks at me with eagerness and admiration giving a keen ear to everything I have to say.

"You guys deserve each other rose", she says staring at the blank space, "I see the way he looks at you, and you are special to him, he may be possessive and controlling sometimes, but he loves you",

There was a comfortable silent pause.

"we can go on double dates!", we say in unison which later followed by laughter.


Leaving my baby and kate in the house, we go out to talk. No one can hurt my little sister either.

"What are your motives with my sister", I growl at this scumbag.

kevin, same age as me, went to the same college, well I finished earlier.owns a law firm in the west, and is a total douche when it comes to women,

"Damon come on man, if its the last thing I would do, its hurting your sister", he scoffs.

"you know fucking damn right what id do to you if i see a single tear drop in her cheeks, you hear me?"

"She is the one", he says staring at the million lights in the sky.

For once I had the slightest bit of change in mind that he is actually serious with my sister.

"Hey man, I'm honestly sorry that our past isn't the best, but I promise no harm done in the future", he says as he extends his hand.

Hesitating at first, but I dragged him in the bro hug.

I follow him inside to see the girls giggling in their own little bubble.

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