Chapter 13

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" okay dad, I'll be there."

"okay, love you too", and with that the call disconnects with Dad

I have to get the Tux, which is pre-ordered. I hope it won't be too flashy. My little sister had to go with the blue and with that design, I couldn't see her for such a long time and I miss her badly, couldn't shake her off that idea anyway so I agreed. even mom would.

Being occupied with the call and walking straight to the store with my focus on the phone, the next thing I know is my my skin being burnt by the Hot coffee which I was holding in my other hand

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Being occupied with the call and walking straight to the store with my focus on the phone, the next thing I know is my my skin being burnt by the Hot coffee which I was holding in my other hand. Had stained my white tshirt.

Noticing the person is a beauty, with that horrified expression of what happend, and her petite body- but my mouth got the best of me otherwise.

Damn that girl! she spilled MY coffee on MY new white polo shirt and had the audacity to say I'M a manwhore..

No one has dared to even look at my eyes.

I guess that made me look like a fool as I was just standing there blatantly as she stormed away. Not even once have I been called a man whore..

Shes quite interesting... but first I've got this boring party ive got to attend to.. ugh why does Dad even hold parties so boring. Just when I got home from a big deal in paris. I want some rest dammit.

I hope Jessica wont be there, if she did I'd be in so much trouble, after leaving her in a one night stand, who knew her father is friends with my dad.

Damon ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin