Chapter 14

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woke up to the rays of sunshine hitting my eyes, yet for another start of the day with a face of dry tears..

Today was the day of the huge masquerade Ball where lots of people will be gathering, Held by Katie's Dad.

Visiting Katies Dad and having a little fun with katie to get my mind away for awhile would be a huge distraction, which I'm looking forward to.

I got up to wash my self up and bandage the wound I've got from yesterday's incident at the kitchen. and lay on bed the whole day and drifted to sleep again.

Arround 6 in the evening

I went downstairs, only to see my dress ripped off in shreds on the ground, I hurried down with escalating emotions of despair riling up within me.

Just then vanessa came out holding a pair of scissors in the left hand while a masive cane was in the right. she dropped the scissors down the table near her and approached me. "and where do you think you are going?, trying to outshine my daughters?, trying to attract the heart of the CEO?" she asked, in a wildly calm tone filled with disgust.

which ceo?, and why the hell would i want to meet up with someone like that? when I just want to go and have a little fun.

"i just want to-" I was cut off by the sound of the cane come in contact with my skin which was orginally aimed at my face, the dodge was not 100% successful when there was a huge line mark on my chest.

The pain followed soon after which i ran to the room tears running down my face unable to comprehend what just happend, I am a weak useless being. Followed by laughter of all three voices downstairs.

After about 30 minutes, Silence filled the house, by which I assume they had already gone to the ball.

I took each step carefully down the stairs only to see my poor dress the way it was since I last saw it.. theres no way I could mend it nor buy one just in time for the ball. water marks appeared on the fabric from which travelled down my cheeks, as I lay down near my dress.

what can I do now mom, I stayed there for awhile when it hit me..

mom has some dresses and items which she stores them in a place where no one in this house knows except me and her. well there wasnt anyone who was interested in knowing anyway.

I ran towards that room and made my way to the closet filled with her dresses, just then I smile crept up my face when I knew this was the one.
A  long red flared dress covered with stones at the waist, and royal designs at the end. she had this taylord for her on my 9th birthday party.

"oh mom, what would I do without you" i said, while holding up that beautiful red gown

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"oh mom, what would I do without you" i said, while holding up that beautiful red gown.

I searched some more, only to find some black heels that match this lovely gown and a mask so royal and perfect.

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