"If it wasn't a danger then why-"

"Because I wanted to talk to her. If she fell asleep for three quarters of the day, none of us would've spent any time with her. Would you have really liked to waste another day without her?"

The boys hesitantly shook their heads.

"You're devious." Mason muttered.

"I call it calculative. We got our desired result, didn't we?"

"Sleep's going to catch up to her eventually." Vincent pointed out.

"And by then we'll have had a good few hours with her. Now shut up, she might hear us." Xander rolled his eyes.

You opened the door to the bathroom and walked back over to your bed, acutely aware of the eyes on you.

"So what were we talking about?" You asked as you leaned back against your pillows.

"The plan. Are you okay with it?" Sean asked.

"Seems fine to me." You replied with a yawn.

"Great, then that's settled. Now, there's the issue of what we're going to do today."

You raised your eyebrows, "Can't I just stay in bed?"

"Nope!" Elijah said with a smile.

You sighed and sank deeper into your pillows.

"We can watch movies, go swimming, walk around the property, anything really." Xander said.

"Sleep is an option on that list, right?" You said hopefully.

"No (Y/n)." He snapped.

"Im tired." You whined.

"Do you want to slip into a coma?" He asked.

You shake your head.

"How about we just go swimming?" Mason asked, interrupting Xander who had his mouth open ready to reply.

"I don't have a problem with that." Vincent said, giving you a soft smile.

"Me either." Sean said, glancing at you.

All five of them looked at you expectantly. You glared at them all sighed.

"Fine. I'll go swimming." Your voice was filled with annoyance. 

Elijah clapped his hands and stood up, "I'll leave you then to get dressed."

Vincent stood up as well as Xander. The three of them waved and left the room.

"There should be a swimsuit in the closet," Sean said with a smile as he walked towards the door, "If there's a problem, just call for me." He disappeared down the hall.

"Don't keep me waiting for too long. I want to see how cute you look." Mason said with a wink as he left the room.

You sat there in silence, trying to let your brain process everything. You walked through the bathroom door and to the closet where you began looking for said swimsuit.

Sean's parents are coming here, I'm supposed to be a grieving friend, and now I'm going swimming?!

You scowled and threw random articles of clothing on the ground.

The grieving friend part isn't hard because I'm grieving, just not for her. Are the Roes nice people...? Where is this swimsuit!?

You tore your closet apart before you found it. You glared at the article of clothing in front of you. It was a (f/c) bikini with ruffles on the top half.

"There's no way I'm wearing this..." You muttered as you glanced around.

Not seeing any other option, you slipped the suit on and walked back into the bathroom. Your eyes met your reflection and your eyes widened. Quickly grabbing a towel, you wrapped it around yourself and glanced back at the mirror.

Much better. You thought with a sigh as you reemerged into your bedroom.

Stepping out into the hall, you saw Sean waiting for you. He had a disappointed look on his face.

"Come on, show me how it looks on you." He said, reaching for the towel.

"No thank you." You said as you started walking down the hall.

He sighed and followed after you. The other boys were waiting by the stairs and all shared disappointed looks as you came up to them. 

Mason had on red swim trunks, Elijah brown, Vincent purple, and Xander yellow.

"Do you guys always try to color coordinate your outfits with your eye tone?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It makes things easy to differentiate when you live with each other." Elijah said with a small smile.

"Ah." You said as you started to go down the stairs.

"Can we see your suit (Y/n)?" Vincent asked.

"When we get down to the pool." You said dismissively.

Why do I feel like this isn't going to go well.

A/N: Fun game time: Associate a song with a character! ...This may or may not be me trying to get new songs to listen to....but shhh it's fun! Whoever's answer I like best...might get to help me with something... ;). Thanks for the support!

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