Decisions and Drawings

Start from the beginning

"Hey! Xan-"

"Come with me." He said, ignoring Gale's shocked expression and your protests.

He dragged you out and down the hall before he stopped and turned to look at you. You braced yourself for any sort of negative comment or hateful sentence, but it didn't come. Instead, he pulled you into a hug and sighed heavily.

"I was so worried." He murmured, "You fainted and I didn't know what to do or what triggered it."

You tensed up and stood there awkwardly, not saying a word.

"You really know how to scare me dear. It's not funny." He said as he pulled back and looked at your face.

You stood there, blinking slowly.

"Are you sore? Does your head hurt? Is there anything that seems unordinary or detrimental about your mental state or physical state?" He asked as he started looking you over.

"Xander," You started as you shrugged out of his grip, "I'm fine."

He smiled, "I'm glad. Now how about we-"

You cut him off, "I'm not doing anything other than going back into the kitchen and finishing my food. I don't want to be around you guys right now after everything you've put me through." You were still angry about Sean's comments earlier. 

You turned on your heel and started walking back down the hallway, but Xander grabbed your arm, "It wasn't a question, dear. Now come on. We can go to the pool or watch a movie or even go to my room. Whatever you want to do."

You glared at him, "I want to eat."

He laughed, "Then we'll watch a movie and I'll make popcorn."

You narrowed your eyes even more, "Alone."

He stopped laughing and looked at you annoyedly, "(Y/n), don't be difficult. Just spend some time with me, okay? That's all I want."

"You want to know something? I want to spend some time with my father, with Riley, and with Abby, but guess what? I can't. So I guess we all can't get what we want sometimes." You said angrily as you broke out of his grip and walked down the hall.

"(Y/n). Wait! If you'll just listen to me I can-" He ran after you.

"No!" You shouted, walking faster, "I'm tired of hearing all of your excuses. You guys are crazy. Do you hear me? You kidnap me for no reason and cut me off from everything but the five of you! Not once have you stopped to wonder how I feel in this situation and I'm tired of it. Now go away Xander." You turned the corner.

Xander stood there, his yellow eyes wide. She shouted at me...She really raised her voice...Why is she getting angry?

You shook as you ascended the stairs and walked back to your room. You shut the door angrily and flopped onto your bed, letting out a frustrated scream. You lifted your head slightly and saw the sunset through the window.

I just want to wake up from this nightmare. You thought as you shoved your face into the comforter again.

There was a knock at your door and you lifted your head slightly, "Go away Xander. I mean it."

You heard a click and the sound of the door swinging open, "What if it's not Xander?"

You turned to see Vincent standing in the doorway with a small smile on his face.

"Oh. Hi..." You trailed off as you groaned inwardly, "I'm not in the best mood at the moment so if you could kindly leave that woul-"

"I know you're not in a good mood. I saw you storming up the steps when I left the gallery. That's why I brought this," He held up a chocolate bar, "And this." He gestured to a small stack of sketchbooks and pencils sitting out in the hall.

"What's all that for?" You asked, sitting up.

"Well the chocolates to make you feel better, and I've found that sketching, even if you're not good at it, calms people down and relieves stress." He explained as he picked up the sketchbooks and walked over to your bed.

You hesitantly watched as he put the chocolate on your bedside table and smiled, "So are you still going to tell me to go away?"

You glared at him for a moment before you sighed and leaned into your pillows, "No...I'm not."

His smile widened, "Great. Would you like to draw? I could teach you the basics if you'd like."

You watched as he sat on your bed and handed you a sketchbook and pencil. Reluctantly, you took it and opened it to the first page, "I know the basics of drawing and what to do, I'm just not good at it."

"Well I'll help you." He said with a smile.

Vincent got to work, explaining things and guiding you through different ways to draw and how to draw things from different angles. He went over types of shading with you and eventually, you started working on your own piece. From time to time, you would try to see what he was drawing, but he would always hide it.

The sun had long set by the time you finished your drawing and you looked down at it, not completely hating how it turned out. You nudged Vincent and turned the sketchbook towards him. It was a still life of a vase of flowers that sat on a table. His eyes widened slightly and he grinned.

"What do you mean you can't draw? That's amazing (Y/n)!"

Your face went red from embarrassment, "It's not that good. Anyway, can I see yours now?"

He shook his head, "Not until I'm done."

"When will that be?" You asked trying to catch a glimpse of it.

"Maybe another half an hour."

You groaned, "That's forever from now."

"Well start another project and time will go by faster." He suggested as he went back to sketching.

You followed his advice and started to sketch out something new. You yawned and tried to figure out what you were actually drawing. After a while the lines started to blur together and you couldn't concentrate very well. Blinking, you tried to focus on your artwork, but it wasn't working. Not long after than you leaned to the side, resting your head on Vincents shoulder and fell asleep almost instantly.

"(Y/n)-?" He started as he looked over at you, but stopped himself from saying anything else.

Your chest rose and fell quietly and your face was completely relaxed as your rested on his shoulder and he blushed slightly.

He reached out a hand and brushed a lock of hair out of your face before he murmured something and went back to sketching. 

A/N: Two updates in a row? It's a miracle...It's almost as if there's more motivation behind the author!

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