"I'm sorry but we lost her" A waterfall of tears fall from Mrs. Dursley eyes. Vernon puts a hand to his face turning around secretly shedding a few tears as well.

"I'll give you two a-"

"OUT!" Mr. Dursley screams at the doctor. Listening to the heartbroken father the doctor leaves the room. Vernon mummers under his breath insulating the man.  "Quiet Vernon, please?" Petunia chokes out sobbing to her fuming husband. He puts his hands on his stomach breathing slowly.

"Vernon come look at her" Petunia say softly. Mr. Dursley moves to stand next to his wife taking in the beauty of their lifeless daughter. Her skin a ghostly pale, eyes shut close, and purple lips. Petunia brings up her daughter to her chest, weeping into the baby's neck. Vernon places a hand on his wife's shoulder moving in small circular motions. Both parents close their eyes giving a moment of silence.

Then something magical happened while Mrs. and Mr. Dursley had their eyes closed, in the middle of the hospital room there was a phantom deer fawn slowly making its way to the lifeless body in Petunias arms. As the fawn made its way towards the baby, slowly getting smaller and smaller turning into mist, going into the the deceased child's body.

The sound that Petunia and Vernon would never forget a small gasp from air. It was like a Melody. The mother and father look towards their once lifeless baby, now colored slowly draining back into her face, her chest rising.

She was alive.
Like if it was magic.
Her name was Melody.





OCTOBER 31, 1981

♡♡♡•••OCTOBER 31, 1981

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Tonight was the night James and Lily Potter died. Lord Voldemort had killed both of them with the Avada Kedavra curse. Moments before Lily had died she places a protection spell over her son Harry Potter.

As soon as the Lord Voldemort it had tried using the same curse that killed Harry's parents on him something remarkable happened.

Instead of killing Harry Potter, the cursed bounced off of his forehead into the night. Leaving only a scar of a lightning bolt. Green sparks rebound once more towards the caster destroying Lord Voldemort's body.

On the other side of London, Melody was peacefully sleeping in a nursery room within the Dursley's household, in a crib, with her older brother Dudley. From outside of the nursery a green mist was slowly making its way towards the house. Through the smallest crack of the window, it slipped past entering the room creating a tornado. Wind started to pick up soon the whole room was in chaos everything in the nursery was falling or either being sucked into the vortex of the mist.

Both children started to cry not understanding what was happening. Soon bangs from outside the door became louder with the siblings parents crying out. With enough banging the kids father was finally able to break down the door.

But it was too late.

The green mist change it shape turning what look like a snake. The snake shot out towards Melody's wrist biting it and creating a black symbol of a shield with lightning in the middle.

The symbol slowly disappears turning into the same shade as Melody pale skin.


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That night both Harry Potter's and Melody Dursley's destiny was set.

Because at that exact moment when Lord Voldemort had tried to cast the Avada Kedavra cursed on Harry. Harry's mother cast a protective spell over him. The cursed bounced off, accidentally giving the young boy a shield. A Shield that will share the same blood as Harry.

That Shield would either help Harry in defeating Lord Voldemort or be the very reason for Harry's defeat.




How was the first chapter I tried on making it not super cringe

Also there will be both things from the movie and the book but mostly the movie.


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