Chapter One

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Chapter One

The attic door in my bedroom ,which would be demolished along with my body, was never opened or disturbed. Neither was my room. Anything that belonged to me was ignored and burned. My parents wanted no further memory of me or the sorrow my death had brought.

       My name was Thana Macet. I was declared dead on my birthday, December 23th. Well, not really dead. There was no body, no real evidence that I was dead. But everyone knew. My presence was no longer there. My parents just wouldn’t accept it. Being mentally ill, they sometimes thought I was alive. They liked to pretend I was at collage. Their hallucinations sometimes indicated I was driving or getting married. They created events I was never going to experience. That was their favorite game, pretend.

My killer waited until I was fourteen, which was always the age that she killed. Her name was MarieAnn. She killed me in a crappy truck she had stolen. MarieAnn had no mercy, she had to kill. She was quick with me. Unlike her other victims, MarieAnn twisted the knife and killed me.

I always remained in the in-between, stuck. I couldn’t get out, no one could. Everyone in the in-between was forced to watch painful deaths. Some said it was the Devil’s curse; some told it was a blessing. People in the in-between send messages to future victims, like an eerie breeze or cloudy night sky. We saved people. I was only able to withdraw from this to see my own tragic death. Growing immune to the blood and scars I notice something different. MarieAnn slipped the bracelet I was wearing onto her own wrist.

MarieAnn was killed by her father and several other men, she was immortal. She couldn’t die. Her parents mutated her so she could kill. Instead of hanging with us dead chicks in the in-between, she was able to grow up. MarieAnn was still stuck with us in the in-between, but she was also able to go down to earth. You’ll never be able to count how many times we’ve envied and loathed MarieAnn. She was alive, a living breathing monster. We hated MarieAnn because the woman who killed us got to live past fourteen.    

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