"Okay go back to bed." Louis mumbled, he closed his eyes again not watching as Tellie pouted.

"But Daddy." She whined loudly. "I'm hungry."

"That's nice love..." Louis muttered, he was more tired than ever, and wanted to sleep in for as long as he could but he knew that with Tellie that wasn't likely to happen.

"I want breakfast." Tellie continued. "Daddy please."

"Later." Louis said. "I'm tired okay?"

Tellie frowned. "Daddy. Daddy. Daddy. Daddy-"

Louis cut her off. "Okay I'm up! Jesus kid don't you sleep?"

Tellie flinched, but was satisfied as Louis slowly got out of bed. He left the room not saying a word as he rubbed his eyes. Tellie followed behind him, grinning as she skipped down the staircase behind her father.

"What do you want?" Louis questioned, he entered the kitchen sleep threatening to come as he leaned against the wall. Tellie shrugged. "Are you serious?" Louis snapped his voice more harsh then he expected causing the small girl to cringe. "Sorry Tellie just...do you want toast or something?"

"Toast..." Tellie mumbled. Louis nodded, turning his back on Tellie before grabbing the bread.

"Zayn and Perrie are gonna come over here this afternoon." Louis said not sure if Tellie was listening. "Will you be okay...?"

Tellie nodded, not one hundred percent sure on why Louis asked her, Tellie knew her mummy never asked her if she was okay with stuff, so why would Louis?

"Do you want to see Darian?" Louis asked, he'd asked Tellie before, but out of general curiosity he was asking again.

"Yes." Tellie beamed. "Can I see her?" She asked tilting her head a little. "Please." She added.

"Yeah," Louis shrugged, "I'll talk to her about it..."

"...How is the little munchkin?" Perrie asked.

"She's..." Louis trailed off, Tellie hadn't said a word since she'd seen Zayn and Perrie, and had taken the easy way out and gone upstairs. "She's difficult." Louis finished. "She woke me up at five this morning, has nightmares, only just started talking to me and overall she's adorable and I end up letting her stay up till ten."

"She woke you up at five?" Zayn asked his eyes wide. "Aha did you spazz out at her?"

"Almost..." Louis admitted, he shrugged from his spot on the lounge narrowing his eyes as Zayn laughed.

"Does she like the room?" Perrie questioned. "El didn't say... She likes pink right?"

Louis shrugged, and felt guilty as he did. Surely it was bad not knowing if his own daughter liked the colour pink, but neither Perrie nor Zayn found it odd.

"Can I go up and talk to her?" Perrie asked. "If it's okay..."

"Yeah." Louis said, shrugging again. "She's just anti-social apparently."

Perrie got up from the lounge, leaving Louis and Zayn alone in the living room. Barbie dolls were sprawled at one end of the living room and a stuffed penguin was carelessly left on the lounge.

"So, how is it all going?" Zayn asked breaking the silence. "Can you handle her or is it to much?"

"She's a good kid." Louis shrugged. "She does what I ask to her, doesn't really complain much, she'll just sit in front of the TV for hours or she plays with barbie dolls so it's not like she annoys me all the time or anything, really I think she's scared about being here still. And I don't blame her."

Zayn nodded. "So she's not that difficult?"

"When she wakes me up at five in the morning she is." Louis shot back. "But meh she's... She's starting to you know get more comfortable around me which is good." Louis paused. "her aunt's coming here tomorrow, she's staying for a couple days so Tellie's gonna stay with her while we record. I don't want to have her there around everyone just yet."

"Is that Darian?" Zayn questioned, he felt guilty for asking, but that vanished once Louis nodded.

"Yeah, she keeps calling me and asking if Tellie's alright and if she's fine here." Louis sighed. "But I don't know if she's fine here."

"Just give her a while." Zayn assured him. "She's three years old and in a totally new environment, she's gonna take a while to settle down and get used to everything. Not to mention she has to get used to the fact that her mum's gone and that she's not coming back. And she hardly knows you, so obviously she's scared and feels alone. Just give her a bit."

Louis nodded knowing Zayn was right. "I just hope you're right..."

To say Tellie was overjoyed when she saw Darian would be an understatement. When Tellie sat at the table eating, Louis watching out of the fear of the three year old choking, Tellie had almost screamed in excitement when Louis told her Darian was coming to see her and when Darian had arrived, Tellie wouldn't go anywhere without her.

"So she's okay?" Darian asked slightly taken aback by Louis saying Tellie was perfectly fine.

"She's fine." Louis repeated, Zayn was next to him on the lounge as well as Liam who had Tellie in his lap while he played FIFA with Louis and Zayn. "Aren't you Tellie?"

Tellie looked to Louis confusion washing over her.

"You're okay here right Tellie?" He said again, and this time she nodded.

"if you're worried about the fame thing it's under control." Liam added noticing the weary look that was still painted on Darian's face.

"Is it really?" She asked dully. "I've seen newspaper articles and paparazzi photos that doesn't exactly seem under control."

"it's as good as it can get." Zayn replied. "Trust us, she's gonna have a limelight on her for a bit but it'll fade in time. I mean, it'll always be there a bit, her dad's in the biggest boy band in the world."

Louis and Liam nodded in agreement while Darian still stayed weary, she looked to Tellie who occasionally tapped a button on Liam's controller and laughed when Liam tickled her. Louis watched in envy, Darian watched in worry, and Zayn kept his eyes on the TV.

"I'm gonna get a drink. Do you have alcohol Lou?" Zayn muttered getting to his feet. Louis nodded. "Um, Tellie press buttons." Zayn gave the controller to Tellie who automatically grabbed it staring at every button in confusion.

"What do I press?" She asked almost in a whisper.

"Anything love." Liam told her, so she pressed anything until Zayn came back and took the controller while drinking a beer. "Looks like Perrie's picking you up tonight..." Liam commented and Zayn just sniggered.


"...Zayn." Darian said, she leaned against the wall in the hallway her eyes on the beautiful man as he opened the front door.

"Yeah?" Zayn replied, he looked back to Darian not even noticing as Tellie watched from the staircase.

"I... I just wanted to say...bye." Darian stuttered, Zayn walked towards her, his breath smelt of alcohol and his eyes darkened with lust. He wasn't sure what he was doing, but he did it. He pressed his lips to Darian's automatically kissing her, and though his lips tasted like beer she kissed back.

Tellie's jaw dropped. The three year old didn't know much, but she knew for a fact that whatever a couple was, Zayn and Perrie were one, and she knew that if Zayn was going to kiss a girl like that, it should be Perrie.

"Holy shit." Louis snapped. He walked through the front door Perrie at toe both of their eyes widening at the sight.

"Crap..." Zayn muttered automatically pulling off Darian who's cheeks were bright red with embarrassment. Perrie's heart sank, and so did her eyes. Zayn looked at her plea in his eyes, but all she did was shake her head.

Little Tomlinson *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें