chapter 030

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Pierce POV

" I'm asking you... To kill me" I blinked at her as the words came out of her mouth. She held her head down again when the door opened. " The farewell's over. Now do the real farewell " I stood up and turned to them.

" I'm asking you... To kill me" I clenched my fist blinking, tears roll off her eyes and her eyes shouted sadness in it.

She's crying... " Take it" I blinked and looked down to the gun on the floor. She's sad... I held the gun and faced her. Why are you trying to kill yourself... I aimed the gun at her why did you let me see those tears... " Farewell" I snapped looking down at her before I pulled the trigger, the loud sound of the gunshot was heard through put through room. I'm sorry!! But this needs to be stopped...

Fiera's POV

"Farewell" I closed my eyes and waited for the bullet to hit me. I heard the the loud sound of the gunshot but never felt the pain. I opened my eyes blinking and looked up when a commotion started to occur. My eyes widened and stare as the old man held his chest, blood surrounding his shirt. What is happening? " You really are a punk!! Don't you want to see your mother? " The old man stated in struggle making me turn to Pierce. " No, even if I kill her now I wouldn't still see her. Don't see as a dumb... " He answered, his eyes looking boldly at the dying man. " Kurt" The old man stated when he fell off the ground and turn to the guy with him awhile ago but the guy only bowed " You have done a lot now, you should test" The guy answered. I stare as the old man even had the energy to crack a laugh. He laughed and laughed until he he stopped and his eyes closed. I looked away from him, his dead.

" Come on up" I blinked when Pierce suddenly held my arm and pulled me up " Kurt" He signalled and the guy Kurt threw the key to him " What do you plan now, you killed the boss of a huge mafia" The Kurt guy stated while Pierce went to unlock my chained wrist. " Who knows... " Pierce stated and looked down to me " Can you walk? " He asked cautiously holding me if I ever fell off. I only nod " I think... I can " I snapped and started to walk but tripped on my own foot, thankfully he catched me " Sorry!! I shouldn't have let you see that" He stated " I'll help you walk" He added and guided me. Now that I think of it, I'm not acting like this because I'm all bruised or so... It must probably because I almost thought I'll die and I just witnessed a murder again.

" What do we do now? There must be a lot of gangsters outside..." I stated avoiding his look when he turned. " You see, your... " I gulped " Your father is the mafia lord" I added still not looking at him. I don't know, I just have this feeling I shouldn't. " Don't worry, I didn't come alone, I have another mafia with me" I blinked, another mafia? What does he mean... " I'm with your father's... " He spat, the mention of my father made me look up at him in widened eyes. " What? Are you sane? Why would you... " I complained brushing my hand over my face... Now, I would really stay in the mansion for my whole life!!

" Fiera" I froze at the sound of the voice, that's it I'm dead!! " Dad" I stated disappointedly looking up at my father when he stopped in front me. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you? Gosh!! Come here" He snapped in one shot and pulled me in tight hug. This situation kind of remind me of that night too, when he found me. I smiled and hug him back before pulling away. " Let's go home for now, I don't want you to stay here so long" I froze at the mention of the word home. Am I... Really gonna live in there my whole lifetime? " You... Come too" I looked up and turned to Pierce, him too? " I need something to talk about with you" He snapped while I watch Pierce nodding in obedience.Wow!! I never saw him look so obedient before, but thinking of it, he might have been like that to his father.

"Let's go" I blinked and smiled at my dad following him as he guide me out of the place. I blinked looking around when we got out of the room. A lot of men in black are now lying in the ground, did my dad's mafia do that? " Don't worry too much, we just let them faint, they'll wake up a little later" I turned to my dad and nod. I know, does he thinks I'm that oblivious. " Fiera" I blinked looked in front to see a running Ethan towards us. He nod at dad " I'll take her" He said and dad nod. I followed him after. " Are you alright? Did they hurt you? " I blinked at the jerk stopping, he stopper add turned to me " Why? Are you sick? " He snapped suddenly worried. I shook my head "you really sound like Dad, it's giving me that chills. I'll have another annoying consultant" I stated lowly before shacking my head and continued to walk, he walked with me confused.

The car stopped after a few more minutes of ride. We went inside and I breathed deeply in nervousness. Will he ask me to stay home from now on. " Ethan " I froze and sat stiffly on the couch when I heard my dad's voice, hear it is!! He's gonna say it!! " Get fiera to her room, I'll need to talk with the kid heartwood first. " I blinked and turned to dad but he just walked away with Pierce. "What up with them? " I asked eyeing the two as they went to a private place. "Get up, get changed first" I knew it, this guy could be my next father soon. I stood up from my seat but then my eyes stopped at the guy from before. " We have another guess, just entertain him, I'm going up" I said and walked up the stairs. What could my dad talk with Pierce? I'm so curious....

Gosh!! Down to thirty chapters... I really want to thank and give acknowledge to those who are still reading up to here... Thank you and I hope you continue till the very end of the story....

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