chapter 028

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Fiera's POV

I shook my head again and again as I run off away from the place. I wasn't so sure where I'm heading to, I just run and run as fast as I could. I stopped when the exhaustion from the run came, I gulped and gasped air the best I can. Heartwood... He is a heartwood... The mafia who killed my mom.... Heartwood... I shook my head again from the thought consuming my brain for the whole time now. I should get going home first before dad or Ethan find out I'm gone. I sighed one last time and continued to walk but then stopped when someone suddenly pulled me back. The man covered my mouth and nose from the back using a cloth. I tried kicking and taking the man's hand away from my mouth but then can't. It was almost like my energy was getting drained out of my body and my eyes pleaded for sleep. The cloth... sleeping pills... And the next thing I saw was darkness.

Pierce POV

I sighed after a few more minutes, she must've already left. I started to walk out of the building when a sudden ring made me stop. I took my phone out of my pocket and eyed the screen of my phone. It's him... I took the call and pulled my phone up to my ear. He must want a report again...

" Wuat do you still need! I told you ill kill her myself, don't" I stated from the other line stopping when ur suddenly spoke. " If you really want to kill her then you'll know Where to find me. You better come faster or I'll kill her myself." I blinked at the response he gave and furrowed my brows "what do you mean? " I spat clenching my fist. It can't be... " You could've killed her yourself awhile ago but you still chose to let her go. Anyway,  it's still a good thing you convinced her to go out of her comfort zone. We could never attack the Ehrenberg's mansion so it's a good thing you asked to meet her. Now, you better come faster or I'll never let you see that woman ever again" I clenched my fist even more hearing the beep. Damn!! I just made her be caught in bigger trouble!!

Fiera's POV

I opened my eyes slowly, blinking at the sudden light protruding at me. My eyes immediately went to land on my chained wrist before looking out at the place. The place was a closed area, walls surrounded me wherever I look. But despite this, the place was really wide, and the place was empty. I blinked when I heard footsteps nearing me so I closed my eyes again. " She's still not awake? " A man's voice spoke. Basing by his tone, he must be in his late forties or early fifties. " How about the punk? He still isn't here? " The same man continued, he must bring with someone else.  " Pierce still hasn't arrived, he must be on his way now. " Another man spoke, his tone was a far younger than the other. Gearing as how he mention Pierce's name, he must be near Pierce's age.

"My apologies but, why do you want Pierce to kill her? Right now you could ask anyone in the mafia to kill her, why do you need to wat for Pierce to come and kill her himself" The younger guy asked politely. I heard a clearing of throat before the older man answered " Since your that curious, then I should tell you... I want him to be the one to lead the mafia once I die" The older man spat. Is this man perhaps... The master? " I've been observing them all as they grew but the punk is different from them. He would think of what to do before he act. He was the only one among them who could glare at me fearlessly. The thing that he killed people wasn't really to please me, he was rebelling against me, he wanted to kill me eversince her mother died. " Pierce... Killed people after his mom's death?? Then he...

" But you told him she was alive. You told him you'll let him see his mother once he killed her" Wait what? Pierce needs to kills me in order to see his mom he thought was dead... Then... " It was a lie of course... How would that woman be alive for all this years? If aver she really was alive then she should've long ago came to see his son" I opened my eyes this time clenching my fist and searching for the identity of the old man  in front me. " Trash!!" My voice was low but in the empty quiet place I'm in it sure was loud and clear. The two people in front me turned to face me and I clenched my fist even more seeing who the older guy was.

I blinked again  and again as my eyes glued to the older person who came out to he Pierce's father. It's him... I can't believe wrong... The man... Who killed my mother... It was him....

"Aish! I wouldn't have killed you if you weren't that persistent" The guy stated staring at my mom's lifeless body. My tears continued to fell as I start at my mother's body on the floor. "Go upstairs how ad find that Ehrenberg's daughter. " I blinked and turned to the man who shot my mom. I stood up from the place I'm in without thinking as the fear of the man consumed every slave in my head. I blinked and froze when the man who shot my mom turned to me, our eyes both met and I step back in horror. He found me... He'll kill me too... I blinked a gee more times when he curved his lips up at me grinning, I immediately run away for my life. I run back to my room and closed the door behind,  locking it and stepping away. 'What to do now? Mom... I'm scared' I murmured looking at the door when a knock was heard. " Come on and open the door little girl, uncle won't hurt you, I promise" A voice spoke from the best of the door making me tremble in fear. Where should I go?? We're should I hide? I used myself over and over before a memory flashed back to me.

" Mom, the woods scare me... Why do we have that kind of place here" I asked my mom as I sat on yer lap holding her tightly. Mom smiled at me " The woods isnt scary... Its actually the lost helpful place to me before " She answered curving her lips up " I always used it to run away from this place before. Your dad used to leave me here before, he would always let guards and all outside the entrance of the mansion to stop me from leaving so I went to look for another exit." I blinked at mom but she just smiled " I went all around the place and looked for any exit but the borders are so high so I went in the woods seeing as the trees there are higher than the border. I climbed up the tree next to the borders and jumped off, I got out of the place successfully without even your dad knowing it. "

I blinked and my eyes turned to the woods. Mom go tout of here using the woods. I sighed and almost jumped when I heard the people bangin on the door. I should go now. I opened my window and looked down. My room is at the second floor but the ground seems to be so high. I closer my eyes in fear and jumped over when the door behind me banged louder. I hit the ground with my body. I stood up and holding my arm but soon went to run over the woods. I run and run until the borders we're already I front me. I based for air and started climbing the tree, it took me minutes before I could really reach the place higher than the fence. "Look for her!! " I gulped ad looked back when I heard a shout from behind. They're near. I closed my eyes when the highness of the place scared me. I gulped and counted to three before jumping off. I was more afraid to be killed than to die on my own. I reached the ground hitting my arm on the road. I stood up abruptly holding my hurting arm and run away. I run  and runwuen a sudden light shown beside me, my eyes widen at the car approaching but then sighed when the car stopped. " Fiera? " I blinked when the familiar voice spoke. Dad came to me checking my whole body now in a mess before looking straight my eyes confused " What happened?why are you out here? Were is mom? " Dad asked continually, my tears starting to flow again unstoppably at the mention of mom. "Dad... " I stated lowly when Thespis came out in a rush, I cried in my father's arms.

thank you for all who are reading the mafia lord's daughter.... I hope you continue till the end thank you... Don't forget to vote and share the story... Love lots..

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