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Fiera's POV

I walked out from the elevator and walked to my apartment but as I raise my head, Pierce Cullen was outside his apartment. I rolled my eyes mentally and continued to walk but then he blocked my way using his body. I rolled my eyes and went to walk at the other side but he blocked it again. I did it again on the other side but still, he blocked my way. I exhaled deeply " Move now... " I snapped but then he didn't move an inch. " Have you forgotten our deal, it was just yesterday. Tsk tsk, how forgetful" The jerk stated shaking his head.

I furrowed my brows at him but then he pulled a paper in front my face. " I can't just use the recording and I wanted it to be legal so I even printed out some papers, sign it" Praised a how at him but then took the papers. It was two copies of an agreement considering that I'll be his maid until he ends the contract. Great!! I almost forgot about this. " Now, you remember? I already sign mine so sign yours now, I even printed out your own copy, you should be grateful"

I clenched my fist almost crumpling the papers. "Why? You want us to be exposed as neighbors? " I rolled my eyes at the jerk and took the bullpen he was playing with and signed the papers. I held bone of the copies and slap it on his chest. He took the paper with a smile. " Now, can I go? " I snapped but then he shook his head. I furrowed my brows but before I could spat a word he opened his apartment and pulled me in.

" You still have one box to fix remember? Fix it and you can happily leave. " He ordered and went to sit on the couch again, switching on the television. I rolled my eyes and was about to go fix the box when my eyes caught something on top of the table. It was a stack of folders. Is he studying? I shook my head and wet for the box, that can't be. What kind of a jerk who sleeps in class, studies at home?

I opened the last box thinking it would be his clothes again but it wasn't. It was I guess his things. On top of the box was a picture frame. I took it and glanced at the picture. It was a picture of a woman and a little boy. It must be him and his mom. I turned to look up at him but he was engrossed with the television so I just took the frame and placed it on top of his bed side table. The other things were likely laptop, books and... I blinked when I saw a small black box. I furrowed my brows and opened it, a necklace.

" Who told you to touch this? " I blinked when he suddenly took the necklace away from me." I was just... I'm sorry" I said and stood up. " I'm done fixing the things... I'll go now " I stated and left the place, he didn't say a thing after that. I wonder what that necklace was. Can it be... His girlfriend's belonging? Well, like I care.

The next day came as usual, thankfully this time I wasn't late. The Jerk didn't try messing with me so my life was quite quiet today. Not until...

I entered the cafeteria, taking my meal, I went to look for an empty table but then stopped, Misty went in front me. " Hey, you were the girl from yesterday right? " She asked checking her nails. She only turned her eyes to me when we didn't hear any reply. " You see, I hate people who cling so much with someone's boyfriend" Great!! I knew this would happen. I'm being the slut now... " So if you don't want your life here to be ruined, think twice whenever you come near what's mine, got it" I blinked at yer threat but then, she just smiled at me and left with her friends.

I mentally rolled my eyes at her back and went to sit on the nearest table. Not that I care about what belongs to her. But... I've been threatened, I need to really be cautious or she could really ruin my life here. I'm not scared if she do things, I'm just afraid dad would use this reason to lock me up in that boring mansion again. I managed to have a normal life after leaving that place, I wouldn't want to go back. A life alone in a mansion is so... Boring!!

I sighed when I didn't have the energy to even chew my food. I stood up and left the cafeteria. I walk around the building with deep thoughts. Memories of my childhood came back to me in a blur.

"And they lived happily ever after" The woman in a dress prolonged to the little girl tucked in bed. "Mom, what does it feel to love someone? How did the princess know that he was her true love? " The little girl asked with a pout,sitting up and looking up at her mom. The woman smiled, her white bright teeth shining as she held the little girls hand. She placed the little girls hand on her chest. " The princess held her hand up to her chest... " The woman smiled at the waiting girl " And then she heard the sound of it, lub dub... lub dub... "

" Wow" The little girl murmured in amazement. " Then, will I also hear a lub dub when I meet my prince? " The little one asked, her eyes glinting with hope. The woman smiled " Of course honey! Once that happens, the only thing you'll hear is the fast beating of your heart"

I stopped walking and exhaled deeply. My fist clenched and I tried hard not to let a tear drop from my eyes. Liar!! I shook my head and was about to walk again when a someone suddenly pushed me back. I held my arm as I tried to stand up but then before I could, someone squat down to my level

" Hi, little girl... " 

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