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Pierce POV

The girl ended up asleep after crying out. I never knew I could say words like those, I guess I'm having goosebumps now. But... I turned to look down to the girl leaning on me and is now soundly asleep. It wasn't written how she lost her parents but...

" Well, it's like this. Once upon a time there was a little girl. It was night that time after her mom told her about the same story she wanted to hear every night. She was always happy and excited whenever she hears the story, so happy. In that story, her mom told her that she could meet her prince once she hears the loud beating of her heart but..." After saying the first words, she stopped and gulped while she stare straight at the sky. Her eyes were shining brightly at the light of the moon,she's about to cry " The first time she heard the loud beating of her heart was the time she saw her mother's death. Later on, she didn't believe in any fairytales and never even wanted to hear her heartbeat. "

I shook my head remembering how she looked like. I don't even know how I was able to say humble words. I randomly always laugh at people crying on my sight but this time, when I saw her tearing up... I felt... Worried? Well who knows, maybe I haven't drink recently that's why I'm acting up. I puffed and looked down at the sleeping girl again. "Why am I even letting you sleep on me? " I stated at her sleeping form but then shook my head " She's asleep! Who am I talking to" I rolled my eyes and look back at the sky. The sky is clearing up, I just need to wait a few more minutes and wake her up.

A few more minutes passed and the sky was clear, although until now I can't get myself to wake the sound asleep girl on me. What the hell's wrong with me? I just need to wake her up... I bit my lower lip and planned to push her off or pinch her or something but then she sat up on her own, I immediately backed off. She blinked adjusting her sight at the light as she rub her neck. She even yawned and stopped when she saw me. She blinked at new against and again, licking her dry lips. " Am I dreaming? " She asked more to herself looking around. " Forest... Cave... Trees... " She stated as she looked around the place befrelooking back at me " Pierce Cullen"

I blinked at the word. It's the first time I ever heard her call me by my name. Pierce... I wonder how it would be if she'll call me by my real name. " Wait!! " I blinked at her when she suddenly looked around again, this time she stood up with wide eyes. " I wasn't dreaming? " She asked herself blinking. I ignored her stunt and stood up myself. " Let's go, we still need to look for the campsite... " I snapped at walked past her. "Then... Last night I... Gosh!! What an idiot!! " I heard her murmur to herself as I passed, I could even secretly chuckle at her.

We started the walk at five and finally reached the campsite at seven. The people looking at us when we arrived. " Babe " I almost raised my brows as the annoying girl came and sticked herself to me " Are you alright? What's with your arm, is that blood? " Misly stated, the sound of her voice made my morning bad again. I ignored her rants and went to approach the prof who was also approaching me. " Miss Conford... " He called put to the girl. She came to us, her friend leading her as she approach. " Where could have you two been that you just came? " The prof asked with raised brow. Gosh!! I could beat this guy up if I'm not just a student of their university.

" We haven't received any maps coming up, we lost our way and didn't have any choice but to stay on one place until the sky becomes clear. Thankfully we found the campsite because of the smoke of the fire. " Fiera stated not even bothered by the prof's raised brow, I only managed to stop laughing at how speechless the prof had been. "Fine, get cleaned up and the activities are soon to start. " The prof inquired and was about to leave but then Fiera spoke again "wait" She spat making the prof turn back " Pierce injured his arm after saving me, I supposed who had the school nurse with us" She stated. What's up with her calling me by name now? She was always used to calling me jerk.

" Ask someone to accompany him to the clinic then " The annoying prof said and walked away. I stare as Fiera left with her friend " Let's go get you changed first" Her friend inquired and lead her to their tent.

Fiera's POV

" What happened with you guys? There were more than thirty student who didn't appear yesterday including the both of you, I was hell worried you know" Cam said while I dry my hair. " I told you, we got lost, it was getting dark so we stayed in a cave. " I said looking over the mirror. She furrowed her brows "you guys seem closer now, you even call him by his name" Pierce? " Why, is that weird? It's his name" I snapped confused of what the girl is implying. She only rolled her eyes " You used to curse him always and say ' that jerk' here and there whenever you see him" I blinked in realization, she's right! " I don't know, it just rolled off my tongue" I snapped. It started today. Did I call him by name because of the events yesterday? I shook my head remembering how loud I cried. That was embarrassing...

" I still need to check him in the clinic, it was my fault why he got injured " I snapped and left the female's bathroom. "Take my clothes in the tent, thank you" I snapped and sprint away, I heard her complain before I could really leave the scene. Now, where's the clinic? I roam my eyes around the place and stopped when I saw it. I walked toward the place but it was empty. I furrowed my brows and turned around to leave when a sudden tall guy block my way, I step back at the closeness and looked up to the person... Eh it's him... 

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