chapter 017

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Fiera's POV

After doing my daily routine and taking the bus, I entered the classroom. The room as expected was silent, almost all of them were looking down their notes except of course the genius who's always sleeping and having his earphones on. I rolled my eyes at the sleeping jerk as I approached him. I placed my things down my table as I sat. I slept last night so the tutoring wasn't finished. I opened my book and notes again pulling the headphones off his head, he opened his eyes annoyed. "What's next here? " I asked pointing out my notes. He rolled his eyes but  soon look down at it. Not long enough, the exam started.

" Gosh!! Gosh!!why is it taking so long? I'm dying here now" Can stated from besides me. The exam finished an hour ago and were still waiting for the result. "Eh... It's the prez" I blinked and everybody looked up at the person entering the room. We all looked at her expectantly " The results are out" The prez stated making the silent room roar in desperation. They immediately went in front the Prez and took their papers. " They're gonna kill the president " Cam stated from beside me while we stare at the chaotic people in front. " Let's just take our paper after they all leave" I nod at Cam and waited for the room to be spacious. When most of the people left, we went in front and took our papers. I went back to my seat and breathed deeply before taking a peak at my score.

I blinked and instantly stood up. I blinked at the red mark on my paper and squealed. Cam immediately went to me " What what... " She asked and took my paper. She dropped it and rolled her eyes at me " Fine!! You got it perfect!! Aish!! I only got 95!! " She rolled her eyes again and went to her seat. She took her bag up while I smile sheepishly. I got it perfect haha... Wait!! I roam my eyes on the place and frowned, he's not here. " Hey, let's celebrate!! Since you get perfect!! " I should at least thank him. Is he still in school, maybe he's home. I smiler and immediately took my bag, sprinting out of the room. " Hey!! " I heard Cam shouted from behind but I just waved at her. I run and run outside but then fall off when a sudden thing bumped into me. " Hey, watch it" I blinked at the person when he turned to me. It's the guy from before.

" That guy before is Jasper. Don't hang around that guy, he's a known bully in school"

" Eh... Isn't this the president's little sister? " I immediately stood up and ignored the jerk. I tried passing by but then a tall guy blocked my way. I took a step back to see that the other guys with him from before is also here. " Leaving so soon? Don't you wanna hang with me for a minute" I rolled my eyes mentally as I turned to the jerk. " What do you want? " I asked blankly which he turned back with a grin. He took a step forward twice giving us a foot distance. He plastered his grin leaning down to my face, I tried hard not to react. " You see... I've been bored the whole day now. I was about to go look for something fun and you suddenly bump into me, isn't that what we call fate? " I clenched my fist silently beside me, stepping back. He puffed still with the grin as he stood straight.

He looked around the place before grinning at me. " Checkmate" He stated and turned his back. I was about to sigh when he did but a sudden hand gripped both my wrist and covered my mouth. The people started pulling me towards to school garden. I tried my best to get away from the hold and started shouting with my mouth covered but  it was just useless. They just stopped grabbing me when we got in the garden. The jerk Jasper stopped and turned to face us. That's when the jerks let go of me, they threw me in front Jasper. I sat up in a kneeling position, supprting my weight with both my hands on the ground. I tried hard to gulp air again and again.

"Sorry for that, I didn't tell them to stop you from breathing" I looked up when the jerk squat down to my level, I rolled my eyes. " Eh... don't be mad. I just want to hang with you " He grinned for the hundred time now. " Now, since you're here, should we play a game" He inquired still with the grin as he stood up. I took a deep breath and stood up myself. I turned to glare at the grinning jerk while he sat down the wooden bench in front. "Then, let's start the game" He grinned again and before I knew it, someone gripped my wrist and turned me to him. A loud slap made me fall off the ground again. I blinked clenching my jaw, so this is his game. " Your brother must have already told you I'm a well known bully in the whole campus. " I rolled my eyes at the jerks rants standing up ready to open my mouth and curse him to the max when someone spoke.

" You're so loud"

Pierce POV

" You're so loud" I spat finally making an appearance. I've been here since awhile ago now. I've thought the place could be more peaceful than my house but until here, that girl still exist. I yawned and stopped next to the Fiera. I turned to look at her but my eyes landed on her cheek instead. I shook my head and turned back to the loud jerk. Sue was slapped just now because of this jerk. "Eh... Who's this? Aren't you Misty's ex?" I tried not raising my brow when the jerk laughed put loud. I could snap his neck right now if I am just allowed to. " Wow, what a small world. Just how many guys are revolving around you? The first one was the president, and now, the mysterious jerk who   had the courage to dump the principal's daughter. This is just so fun"

I mentally rolled my eyes at the lunatic " Done now? " I snapped and pulled the girl with me when the three jerks with him blocked me way. " You cant just leave... Why don't you jus mind your own business and leave. Unless you want to be beaten by me, I've been looking for a punching bag since this morning now" I raised my brow in annoyance at the here's play. I let go of the girl and faced the grinning jerk. "Fine!! It's been a long time now since I was beaten. But... Let the girl leave first, then beat me after" I encouraged making the jerk laugh while the girl beside me widen her eyes " Are you crazy!! Leave now!! I don't need your help!! " Fiera snapped pushing me back, I only ignored her. " Sure!! Take the girl away now"

Let's not further delay the events.... Just leave your vote and scroll up to the next chapter... Love lots

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