chapter 023

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Fiera's POV

It's been almost a week now. Pierce would always help me with anything and send me home after. He also kept tutoring me in class, this time he wasn't sleeping. "How do I look? " I snapped turning to Cam as she kept biting on her chips, she's acting queen lying on my bed. " C'mon, why don't you just say you like him too. You even called me so early in the morning just to look at your outfit. " The girl continued to mock making me roll my eyes " I didn't call you here to look at my outfit, I called you to watch over my house " I snapped making her make face and roll her eyes " As you have said" She stated shrugging. I only sighed in defeat when the door bell suddenly rung. 

" Oh prince charming's outside, want me to guide you to the door my lady" I rolled my eyes when Cam continued to make fun of me " Stay here. Right!! Go buy groceries too, the fridge is empty" I snapped and walk over the door after hearing the girl's complain. I took one last breath and exited my place. I smiled sheepishly at Pierce when I saw him, he smiled back as usual. I bit my lip and rub the back of my head when he checked my outfit. " Let's go " Hr snapped making me blink,I thought he'll at least compliment my dress.i sighed " Where are we going? "I asked when we entered his car. He only smirked " That's a secret" And he drove off to who knows where.

The car stopped after a few minutes of ride. "We're here" Pierce smiled and helped me exit the car. I blinked and roamed my eyes at the entrance, it's an amusement park. "Is there a problem" I blinked and looked up at Pierce looking in my eyes in search for answers. I shook my head " It's just been so long since I came here" I stated and curved a smile. He smiled back and held my hand, pulling me inside the place. " We're do you wanna ride first" I blinked ad looked around the place. It was full of rides. Roller coaster, Vikings  and other different kinds of ride. It's quite bringing back memories. My eyes stayed at one specific ride, the carousel. " Do you wanna ride that? " I blinked once again and shook my head when Pierce looked at the same ride I was looking at. " No!! I wanna go to the ghost room" I snapped pointing at the horror house. It must have been the only place my parents and I never went to before. They were afraid I would cry if we go in and I was spent scared that time to even take a glimpse inside. "Fine, let me get the tickets for awhile" Pierce uttered and went to buy the tickets. My eyes went back to the carousel, memories coming up like a flashback. I could see myself laughing while the little peonies turn, my dad waving at me while my mom taking a picture.

" Fiera" I blinked ad turned to Pierce. " I got the tickets, do you still want to go? " He asked making me smile and nod. We soon went inside the place. " Whaaa" I gulped when the shouts of the people echoed again. We're in the middle of the place but ever since we got in, goosebumps just covered my whole body. Ive been sweating cold sweats now as I try so hard not to roam my eyes around when suddenly... I almost jump in fright when a bloody ghost popped out of nowhere. I gulped and grippedpierce hand tighter. " Are you alright? " I heard him whisper while we continued to walk. I nod once and sticked myself more to him. The journey went on with the same treatment until sunlight finally was seen.

" That's scary" I murmured holding my heart in place. " Here " I looked up and took the bottled water from Pierce and gulped down the water. "Are you sure you're alright" Jesus asked again and I nod. After that, we went to ride on the other rides and having lunch after. I sighed when we got out of the place and started walking at the sidewalk, just for a minute I just wanted to walk around. After more of the walks we stopped at a place where the sun started to set, it was  a bridge. The strong wind passed over and the cars driving off are heard as I close my eyes.

" Shouldn't you at least tell me " I blinked and opened my eyes again, turning to Pierce who kept his eyes on the setting sun. " About the park awhile ago,you look bothered"he continued still looking at the sunset. I sighed and looked up to the setting sun. " It's about my parents again" I started, saw him look at me in peripheral view but I still kept my eyes on the sun " The last time I went there was with my parents. They rented the whole park that time because they're worried I'll be in trouble. " I sighed remember in the same memory. " Why? What trouble? " This time I turned to him blinking. I can't tell anyone my real identity... Dad, mom and even Ethan always reminded me of that. But...

"  Can I trust you 100 percent? " I asked him making him blinked at me. He was hesitant at the while confused at my question but then he smiled " Sure" He stated with a warm smile making me nod and turn back  to the setting sun. " The thing is... Ever since childhood, my existence was hidden from the world...until now" I started gulping. I don't even know why I'm revealing this to him but maybe Cam is right, I do also like him. " My mom was killed by a mafia when I was a kid. Ever since then, I decided to leave my father's house and lived with a different identity. My name, Fiera Conford is actually just a lie... " I clenched my fist and stopped the tears from falling as I turn to him. I curved my lips up " I'm gonna tell you a very crucial secret of mine today, the thing is... My real name... Is Fiera Ehrenberg "

Whaaa... Fiera revealed her true identity to the person who is looking for her... What to do now? Pierce was tasked to kill the Ehrenberg girl, and now that he knows who the person is, would he... Really kill her? Anyway don't forget to vote and comment down below before scrolling up...

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