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Pierce POV

I sighed when I finally left the classroom, I walked over until I met with the school cafeteria, I went in and got my meal, sitting on one seat, my eyes roamed the room. Among these girls, where is that Ehrenberg. I turned my eyes at one group of girls looking at mirror and painting their faces, then to the girls having so much food on their table munching, and on lone girls reading a book having their head phones on. What type of a girl is she? A slut? A nerd? Is she popular? Or is she keeping a low profile too? Gosh!! How do I possibly find one girl in a school of 500 girls attending? I don't even have a clue about her.

"Excuse me? " I blinked and turned to the girl in front me " Can we sit here? " She asked. If I want to find her, I guess I'll need to mingle with every girl in the campus. I smiled standing up and nearing the girl, I stopped a foot away from her while she innocently blinked. I've seen the girl awhile ago, it seems like she's a popular one.

I leaned forward to her ear " Want to be my girlfriend? " I murmured and pulled back, she stared at me stunned. I shrugged " Don't want to? " She immediately blinked and stepped forward, she shook her head " Of course" She smiled and linked her arms with mine " Then were officially on" She smiled while I roll my eyes inside my head. As expected, girls are so easy to get, they're all sluts

I blinked when the stupid rude girl entered my head.

" Gosh!! Hey!! First of all, I am not a slut!! Second, if I'm gonna be a slut, I won't flirt with you, bastard!! "

Stupid rude girl!! Anyway, seems like she really isn't a slut. Is she was then she should have acted nice to me or seduced me, but all she did was to glare at me, stupid girl!! How rude!!

Speaking of which, I turned to the girl clinging to me " Anyway, " I spat making her look up at me with the happy face " Yup babe? " She smiled wide. Disgusting!! " Do you know someone in school with the last name Ehrenberg? " I asked which made her furrow her brows and pout " Ehrenberg? " She asked and turned to her friends " Is there someone with the last name Ehrenberg here? " She asked, her friends all shook their heads questioning. " Nope, no one" The girl stated looking back at me. I smirked " I see" None of them looked suspicious hearing about it, that only means it's not one of them.

I sighed and started to walk but was stopped when the girl held my arm "where are you going? Shouldn't you stay with your girlfriend? It's our first day" She posted again. I only smirked and leaned forward near her ear " Then let's break up" I stater and leaned back, she stared at me wide eyed " You see, I can't stand girls who pouts so much " I smirked and left without any reply. Tue girl just stood there stunned as her eyes followed me exit the cafeteria.

After the unending lecture, I finally got out of the campus. I stopper when a car stopped in front me. The car window dropper down, Kurt getting in view. " Get in" I rolled my eyes and entered the passenger seat. "Where's my car? Why are you even here? " I asked while he started driving. "I was ordered by your father. I should send you to your new house. Your car should be parked at the apartment, here's your key" I furrowed my brows as I took the key of my car. "New house? " I asked which he nod to. "You're Pierce Cullen right now not Pierce Heartwood. You can't go back to the mansion as you wished. The boss told me to make sure no one finds out you're a heartwood or else the mission would be useless. That's what he told me" The guy shrugged driving. I only leaner back in my seat " So I need to live in an apartment?" I questioned, looking outside the window, I heard no reply, I guess he just nod.

The car stopped after ten minutes. " I can't show you the way. I don't know you as of the moment. You're room is 426, it's on the fifth floor, The pass code is 8525, you can use this card if you forgot" He stated pulling a card out at me. I rolled my eyes and took the card before slamming out of the car. I faced the apartment while the car flew off. I sighed and entered the building, up to the fifth floor I stopped at the familiar number,426. I rolled my eyes and swiped the car ride on the door. I entered the room, it's so small. For someone who lived in a mansion since birth, this room could just be a dog house.

I sighed as my eyes caught boxes around the room. That jerk didn't even bother fixing them. I walked over the place, only one small room with a very small restroom, one bed in the corner, a study table, a small kitchen on the other side and in between is a small living room with three couches and a mini table. Great!! What a life I'm living.

I stopped and turned to the door when the doorbell suddenly rung. Gosh!! The jerk said I can't be caught but came knocking on my new so called house? I rolled my EEs and went for the door, I stopped when I heard a knock from the outside. " Excuse me... I'm from the next door, room 425, I heard from the security guard someone just arrived in this room" I stopped myself from opening the door when I heard a girl's voice. The even mysterious thing is that I think I heard the girl's voice before. I peaked over the door to see who the person behind is. I pulled back when I saw the rude girl from this morning. What the hell!! She's living here? And next door? Gosh!! What's do surprising!!

I rolled my eyes and held the door, it would be better to be seen now, who knows she'll accuse me of being a stalker if she latter find out about me staying here. I pulled open the door for her. " Hi, I'm from next door. I heard... " She stopped mid sentence as she finally caught my eyes, she blinked incredulously. " You... " She stated confused as her eyes looked for answer in mine" What are you doing here? "

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