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Pierce Heartwood's POV

"Hey hey" I smiled as I stepped on the stubborn bastard's neck. He tried pulling my foot from his neck, his breath stuck and his pupils widening.

" I warned you not to make me mad... It's not my fault" I grinned staring at him struggle for his breath before his hold on my pants loosen, his hand fell off and his eyes shut close.

I blinked " Eh, did I kill him? " I asked removing my foot on his neck. He didn't move as expected, he died...

My grin widen at the corpse in front me before turning back. I looked at Kurt when he approached me " Your father wants you in his office" He snapped making me furrow my brows but then gestured to him the corpse behind " Clean that mess" I stated and entered my car, I went straight the mansion.

I walked inside the room, "You summoned me... " I stood at the guarded room of my father. He was as usual seated on his seat, his back on me, staring at the sky as he play with a knife.

" Hmm.. I heard you killed someone again" Father stated with his back still on me. I nod " I supposed you got used to it" I answered back, I only heard him let out a small chuckle " Then..." he turned his seat around " Would you bother doing something for me? " My brow raised at him. " It's the first time you ever asked me something, I wonder what's happening, it's so not like you"

Its has been since childhood that my father didn't care of what I do. All the tasks about the Mafia is all given to my brothers, not once did he give me anything. I supposed he doesn't trust me, or because I'm the youngest, I'm just a nothing in his eyes. I tried everything just to get his attention, I killed people just like what he does, it's only now he's talking about it.

He breathed deeply " Well, I guess only you can do this mission " I furrowed my brows, only me? " You're the only son I have that the world has not yet seen. If I send your brothers, they could instantly be caught. But with you, " He laughed " No one knows you even existed" I clenched my fist tight " And what made you think I'll do what you say? " I asked with the coldest silent glare I could throw at him. His lips curved up " Have you forgotten? You are willing to do anything to please me, that's why you killed people all this time right? "My fist clenched tighter at his words " And... " I stopped and stared at him " I'm old now, I could die any moment, shouldn't you be proving yourself now"

I furrowed my brows at his words but then looked up " What mission? "He gestured the man beside him. The man neared me with some kind of documents. I furrowed my brows but then opened the file

'Ferdinand Ehrenberg'

" That man has been my enemy in my whole lifetime. He owns one of the hugest Mafia in North America. He is an unstoppable man. " Father stated chaining his fingers together and leaning forward. " He has a daughter, I bet she's in your age. She's entering Fardon University. I want you to find her identity, the old ehrenberg is wise enough to let her daughter away from him. She must have also changed her name. "

" What now if I found out who she is? " I asked, my eyes looking at his. He only exchanged the same look " Kill her... " He snapped and leaned back on his seat, "only then can I give you this seat" He grinned again mentioning the seat he is sitting on. I only looked back at the files. " That only means... " I snapped " That girl... Is my life line" I snapped still looking at the files


Fiera's POV

I held my phone up as an unknown number flashed on my phone.

" Get on the car 7 o'clock from where you're standing "  The other line spoke. I ended the call and moved to the direction, I trashed the phone in the nearest bin and enter the car,  from the sides, I can see familiar faces of my father's men. I entered the car and removed my glasses. The car moved then,  after taking my wind breaker and scarf off, the car stopped at another stop. "Here's the phone" The driver gave another phone to me, I took it and left the car.

I answered the incoming call " The bus stop near you, the black car. " I ended the call again and walked but was stopped when a kid bump into me. My father's men tried to intervene but then stopped. I smiled and leaned down to the kid I handed the phone to him. He blinked but soon took it. I smiled and continued my walk, finally I entered the car.

The car continued to move until I got glimpsed on the huge gate on the end of the road. It's a one way road that leads to home. It's been months since I came here. The gate opened automatically as we pass by, multiple armed men line up at the entrance, the car continued. The mansion is fifty meters away from the gate so it took a bit to reach the mansion's entrance.

I opened the car door after it stopped my dad already waiting. " My daughter" He snapped and opened his arms wide, I smiled and went to hug him, he hugged me back. "It's so nice to see you again old man... " I stated pulling back. He smiled and guided me inside. " It's been so long, why not stay here for awhile" Dad initiated when we sat down the couch. I only frown " I can't, I need to study" He frowned too, " You can study here" I rolled my eyes  at how boring my life would be if I stay here. " No need, I'm good" I stated and stood up " I miss my room so bad, can I go up first? " I asked with a smile. Dad frown " You miss your room better than me" He acted, what a dramatic father.

I smiled " Yeah, I do" I said and turned to walk upstairs " Come downstairs after, I prepared a little of your favorites " He shouted at me before I reached my room. Gosh!! I miss this room so bad... I smiled and sat on my bed.

That's right!! I'm the daughter of one of the hugest mafia in North America. I'm Fiera Ehrenberg, living as Fiera Conford. I'm a certified mafia lord's daughter.

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