chapter 019

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Fiera's POV

Lubdub... Lubdub...

I gulped in confusion. Why am I hearing my heartbeat.... " Fiera " I blinked and look to Pierce who's looking at least confused now. " You'll forgive me, right? " He asked again that made me realize what set up we are currently in. I tried hard to curve my lips in a smile, I nod " Mmm" I heard the crowd once again react in awe and we both turned when the lady came back. " What a beautiful scene everyone witnessed. Anyway, we have been opened for only two weeks yet. We are posting pictures of couples in the board. You don't mind taking the picture right? " The lady asked which I blinked to. " Sure" I blinked even more when Pierce stood up still holding my hand, he guided me to the place. After taking the picture and eat in the cake, we left the cafe.

It's been awhile now that we're walking but I just feel super awkward at the moment, my brain just is full of the scene awhile ago. It's the first time he ever stated my name,I realized that just then. But,what really bothers me is that... Why did my heart pounded so loud.

" Then, will I also hear a lub dub when I meet my prince? "

" Of course honey! Once that happens, the only thing you'll hear is the loud beating of your heart"

I utterly shook my head at the thought coming off my brain. It was just a story!! I hate hearing my heartbeat!! I hate... I shook my head again with the thoughts when Pierce suddenly stopped walking " Don't be stupid!! People call me a big playboy, you should he aware" He snapped and walked in his apartment. I didn't even notice were already here. I pulled my lips in a straight line and went I side my apartment. I'm thinking too much.

Pierce POV

I breathed in and out deeply when I finally entered my apartment. I went inside and sat on my bed. I frustratedly run my fingers on my hair when the events replayed in my mind. Why the hell did I do that? I tried shaking the thought off but still it won't.

" I won't do it again, I promise"

I blinked as the memory came again, my eyes looked down to my hand. Why did I grab her hand...

"You will forgive me, right? "

I clenched my fist and bit my lower lip as the scene replayed in my head again. Why did I kiss her hand. Aish damn it!! Damn it!!

" Fiera"

Damn!! Why did her name suddenly sound so nice. Damn it!! Damn it!! Why did it felt so good when I said her name out loud... Ah damn it!! I can't even curse out loud since she's living next to me. Ugh!! I'm so weird!!

I shook my head multiple times as the memory continued to cycle my head, I only stopped when I heard my phone ringing. I answered the call without notice. " The boss wants to summon you, come to the mansion right away" Kurt stated from the other line before ending the call. I furrowed my brows but then stood up and left. I drove to the mansion.

" You called me " I stated standing at the living room. The old man raised his head to me and gestured the couch in front him. I only nod and sat on the couch. " Have you found any lead yet? " I blinked as I look up at him, his eyes searching for answers in mine.  I pulled my lips in a thin line " I've been observing the ladies in Fardon. The range of search has now decreased to five people, I'm still observing them one by one " I stated while he drink his tea. He placed it down looking straight at me " Five? " He asked raising a brow. " Catherine Parker, Jesse Ann Coulter, Pia Dorkenson, Hannah Grace Church and Fiera Conford.  The five of them are in my batch. I'm still watching them silently. I'll report soon if I found something suspicious. " I answered taking the clue before standing up  and walking out.

" I expect the name by the end of the month. You've taken so long now. Remember that your life depends in this mission. " I paused at the marks he gave out. Of course!! I'll need to find that Ehrenberg girl now. I looked up  and headed out my way. I'll be sure to succeed in this mission.

Fiera's POV

"Aw" I pulled my finger up and let go of the knife. I've been cutting the vegetables for so long but I still need up with a cut. I blew on it queen the sting suddenly came. I heard the door bell rung so I went for it first. " You live here? " Ethan gawked as he entered the place. What's with this freak. " You should've been living in a house made of gold but you chose to live in a small apartment. Gosh!! I really do admire you" I rolled my eyes and went to take the first aid kit in the bathroom. I slumped down my bed when he suddenly approached me taking my bleeding finger up. " What a stupid kid!! I told you to just come and live with me" He argued again taking a bandaid and wrapping it around my index finger.

I pulled my lips in a thin line " No need... I prefer this house " I argued back. He raised his head to me rolling his eyes before standing up and going to the kitchen. " I'll do it!! Just tell me what to do" The jerk volunteered making my lips curve up and crack a giggle. I went stood next to him. " Since you want it, chapter vegetable and meat first. After that... " I stopped when he suddenly cut me off " Take it easy!! Let me chop the vegetables first" I laughed at my sweet revenge and watched while he do the cooking step by step. Ethan doesn't know how to cook. He always argued with me when I asked him to cook me food and stop asking for deliveries. Until now, the jerk don't cook his food.

" It's done!! Let's eat" The jerk snapped making me curve my lips and sit on the floor while he served the food. He raised his brow at least and sat on the couch " Why did you even get these couch if you won't use it? " He snapped with twisted expression. I ignored him, eating my food " I'm comfortable with it!! Stop starting a fight, this is my house" I stated and opened the television. I didn't hear a response from him for the few minutes but then he seemed to be thinking so deep so I didn't bother sarong a word until he suddenly shut the television off.

I raised my brow annoyed at him but then turned to look at him in confusion as he stared at me in confusion. " What is it? " I asked trying to start the conversation. He sighed "  A Mafia knows you are entering Fardon University. They planted spies in the school so you must be more cautious from now on. Don't worry, I'll be checking you from time to time. Just be careful. Your father wants you back to the mansion now but seeing as some people might already be spying on you we can't risk things that may get your identity revealed. " I blinked a few times at Ethan, someone knows I'm entering Fardon. I gulped and looked up to Ethan. I just have one question. " Which mafia? " I asked, my fist clenching beside me. Just not that Mafia, please!! Not... I stopped when Ethan bit his lower liking hesitation before looking up at me " The Heartwood"

Heartwood? Ehrenberg? Well, things are getting more thrilling... I just hope you guys are still alive until now... Don't forget to vote☑☑.

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