Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Ratchet, open a ground bridge!" you screamed as Megatron landed. Your family attacked Megatron, all except for Starscream. You backed away, and heard Megatron laugh.

"Oh, Spiriter, it's not like you to back away from a fight", he taunted. You looked around for a ground bridge, and saw nothing. Not even Starscream... where did he get off too?

However, your question was answered when an arm wrapped around your neck, and a blaster pointed at your spark.

"Leave Megatron alone, Autobots", Starscream sneered. You gasped, and struggled to escape.

"I wouldn't that if I were you, dear sister", Starscream growled. "Unless you want to lose your precious sparkling."

You froze, not wanting to lose another child to the Decepticons. Megatron laughed.

"Starscream is a good actor. He came back to me a few days ago, and when you called him to tell him something, it was the perfect opportunity to collect something that should have stayed a Decepticon. And now... you are with sparkling. That's worth even more!"

Your eyes widened in fear and you could feel your sisters and sparkmates fear coursing through the bonds.

:Let her go, Starscream!: Bumblebee yelled. Megatron laughed.

"On the contrary, Bug", he spat. "You should be the one letting her go. After all, she did have a sparkling with another mech."

Bumblebee didn't miss a beat. "I don't care! Let her go!"

A ground bridge opens, and out comes several more Autobots. You were relieved, but also scared. Optimus instantly took on Megatron and Bumblebee turned to face Starscream, who loosened his grip on you, and whispered into your audio receptor.

"I'm sorry, sister", he whispered. "I hope you can forgive me."

He let you go, and you ran through the still open ground bridge.
I was glaring at Starscream, though relieved that he had let my sparkmate go back to the Autobot base. If I was being honest, I was worried about her. Megatron laughed loudly.

"Oh, you idiots", he grinned, before jumping away from Optimus and transforming, flying away. When I turned back to where Starscream was, he was gone too. I sigh, before calling Ratchet for a ground bridge.

One opens and I was the first to walk through, ready to see my sparkmate. However, I stopped when I saw Ratchet watching hopefully.

"Where's (Y/N)?" he asks. My optics widen as I realized what happened.

:She ran through the ground bridge... we all thought it was ours: I whisper, many gasps coming from around me.

I turn to look at the rest of the team, looking to Optimus, who instantly found jobs for everyone to do, except for me.

He led me away from the others, and I instantly knew that we were going to have yet another Sire to Son talk. This happened a lot when I was younger.

"Bumblebee, you must keep hold of your emotions", Optimus warned, getting straight to the point. "You can't lose control of them, otherwise you may hinder us in finding your sparkmate."

I nod. "I know, Optimus. I've been... working on it. Besides, if she's with the Decepticons, she will need the comfort me and her sisters can send through the bonds."

Optimus smiles, and sets to work decoding the final Iacon record.
You flinched as one of Megatron's long digits scraped along you cheek, creating a scratch. You hang limply in your chains, not wanting to provoke Megatron into harming your sparkling.

"You're going to be here for a while", Megatron growled. "You wanna know why? Because that sparkling will be turned into my perfect little heir and will never know anyone else as its Sire."

Instantly, your helm shot up. "You will not use my sparkling for your twisted war!"

Megatron laughed evilly. "Once he is old enough, he will start training."

"How do you know it's a mech?!" you snap. Megatron laughed again.

"You should know by now that the Decpticons have far better resources", Megatron growls. "But..." he presses a button, and you were dropped from your chains. "In order to make sure that my warrior will have the best care provided for him, you will be transferred to a large room that should contain all of your needs. Knockout will be there to check up in you occassionally."

He called a few drones to take me there, and I don't fight, I just glare a the floor in front of me. And whenever you see Starscream, you glare at him also. You were just about ready to murder your brother for betraying you, but you also knew that you would be no better than what you used to be if you did.

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