Chapter Twenty-One

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Your optics shoot wide open, and you try to get up but can't due to an arm wrapped around your waist. You smile at the familiar color scheme of your sparkmate. Your spark was finally back to normal. For the most part.

There were a few times when you got random aches in your spark, but Bumblebee and your sisters were not afraid to send support through your bond. You shifted to face your lover, who mumbled in his sleep. You smile at him and gently shook him awake.

He groaned and only pulled you closer to him, causing you to laugh.

"Bug... it's time to get up", you say quietly. "The others will be wondering where we are."

Bumblebee shook his head. :Just five more minutes.:

You laugh again and gently press your lips to his mouth guard, startling him. He whined.

:(Y/N), you know I hate it when you do that...:

"And you know I hate it when you touch my wings, so I'd say we're pretty even."

Bumblebee laughs and sits up, allowing you to get up as well. You lean against him, staring around your now shared room.

"So, what do you think is going to happen today?" you asked. It had been a quite eventful past few months, with Bumblebee losing his t-cog to MECH but then recovering it a few days later, and then just retrieving several new relics, and losing some to the Decepticons. Bulkhead got injured during one of these times, and he was still recovering. Smokescreen and your sisters were fitting in quite well, with Goldburst getting along with Ratchet the most and then Sunflower and Smokescreen becoming an almost inseparable duo. You kinda shipped them if your were being honest.

:I don't know what's going to happen today. Probably just more relics being found:, Bumblebee answers. You nod, agreeing with him.

"We have been finding several relics as of late. But that's because Optimus is constantly decoding the Iacon database", you sat in response. Bumblebee nods, but paused when his com-link goes off.

"Bumblebee, you picking me up for school?" Raf asks.

:Oh, scrap!: Bee curses. :Be there in a little bit, Raf.:

You chuckle softly and watch as Bumblebee leaves the room. You stand up and stretch, ignoring the strange pain in your spark. It wasn't like one of your spark aches, from your spark being injured, but slightly different. You were unsure what this was, but brushed it off.

Walking out of the room, you entered the main room, where an alarm went off, surprising everyone in there.

"It's a beacon for a relic", Ratchet realizes. Optimus instantly began to split us into two teams. One team would go with him, the other would stay here in case another relic popped up.

Optimus left, taking with him, Arcee, Goldburst, and Bulkhead. Soon after they left, Bumblebee came speeding back in. You can't help but smile at him.

:Hey:, he says as he transforms. :Where'd everybody go?:

"A relic popped up. Optimus took half the team while the rest of us are to wait here in case another relic pops up", you answer. Just as you stopped speaking, a relic beacon appeared, startling you. You could feel amusement drifting through the bonds from your sparkmate and sisters, causing you to roll your eyes.

"It's another beacon", Ratchet says. I walk over to the ground bridge.

"Open a ground bridge a ways away, Ratch. We wouldn't be getting a signal if the Decepticons hadn't uncovered it", you say, taking the lead. Ratchet nods, and a ground bridge opens.

"Smokescreen, Sunflower, and Bug, with me. We'll scout it out and let you know what we see, Ratch", you continue, before running through the bridge into a sparse forest.

You sneak forward, your team following silently behind you. You see some cons and instantly crouch down behind some rocks.

Peering over them, you see the cons just standing around, not doing anything. You frown in confusion.

"They're just standing around", you whisper as you crouch back down. Hearing several confused whispers, you look over the rocks once more and search for something you may have missed. And indeed, you missed something.

Embedded in the rock, was a sword. One you recognized. The Star Saber. Only Primes could wield it. You frown even more, especially when you spotted Megatron.

You duck down again and tell the others what you saw. Smokescreen wanted to go out and attack the cons but you instantly shut that idea down.

"If we did that, Smokescreen, we would all be dead. Our best chance is to call base for backup", you whisper. Smokescreen sighs, but doesn't move. You quickly call base, where you explain everything to Ratchet.

"It's like the entire Decepticon army is here Megatron. Well, they are all here. The warship is not too far away, and Megatron is here", you say quietly. "We need backup."

"Too late for that", Sunflower whispers to me. I look around and see Smokescreen nowhere in sight. Looking over the rocks, I see Smokescreen darting to the Star Saber.

"Slaggit!" I curse. "Ratchet, you have to get Optimus here now. It's the Star Saber and Smokescreen just went into the fray. I have to get him out of there now!"

You end the call, and watch for the right moment to enter the battle. When Smokescreen is caught and surrounded by vehicons, and Megatron, is when you open fire, blasting away any vehicons or insecticons you saw, Sunflower and Bumblebee following your lead.

"Bee, go right! Sunflower, go left!" you yell, before running forward, still firing at any Decepticons that decided to get in your way. Smokescreen didn't hesitate to leap up and help fight. You ran to Megatron and instantly started fighting him.

He smirked at you. "Shouldn't you be keeping your distance after what happened last time?"

You growl at him and shoot at his face. He stumbled back, not having expected that, and you ran to the sword, attempting to pull it out myself, though you knew it wasn't going to happen.

And that's why you weren't surprised when it didn't move. Leaving it alone, you ran to random vehicons, only to groan inwardly when you saw the Decepticons take the entire mountain with the sword in it. The warship started to leave, and you watched, ignoring the vehicons that were slowly falling by the servos of your friends. But when you saw a red and blue semi-truck drive off the cliff before transforming, you were shocked and turned to see that the other Autobots had appeared. You turned around again to watch as Optimus fell to the ground, Star Saber in hand. You watched as he stared at the glowing blue sword, completely oblivious to the mountain that was now rolling towards him.

Or so you thought.

In an instant, Optimus had turned around, and used the sword to slice the rock in half. You stare in shock as he then swings the sword around and hits the back of the fleeing warship. You could only imagine the look on Megatron's face.

You raise a servo up to your audio receptor, contacting Ratchet.

"Hey, Ratch... we need a bridge", you say, still in disbelief of what happened. You  saw a ground bridge appear not to far away and led the team through, including Optimus.

You stood in silence as everyone filled the main room, and Smokescreen began retelling what happened to Ratchet. After he finished, however, the sword starting glowing blue again and Optimus lifted it up, staring into something you and the others could not see.

"Optimus?" Ratchet asks. No response from the Prime. "Optimus, please respond!"

"I am receiving a message", Optimus spoke as if he was not entirely there.

"From who?" Ratchet asks. It was a moment before Optimus responded, and when he did, your eyes widened.

"Alpha Trion."

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