Chapter Twenty

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You opened your eyes and found yourself in the white area you had grown to recognize. It was where you had first seen your brothers. You knew you were most likely in a coma again, or even possibly dead.

But you couldn't help but hope Ratchet would be able to save you.

You sighed and sat down, waiting for someone to come and talk to you. If anyone would...
I watched frantically as Ratchet scrambled around, trying to find the right tools to save (Y/N). I hadn't been this afraid since Raf had been hit by that energon blast from Megatron.

I started pacing, not being able to stay still. I knew the rest of the team was watching in worry but I couldn't care. Finally, I couldn't help but let out an angry cry, punching the wall. Arcee instantly pinned me to the wall and I didn't bother to struggle against her.

"Bumblebee! You need to stay calm. You're not the only worried about her. I'm sure her sisters are worried about her too", Arcee says. "Keep it together."

I shake her off, and storm towards the training room, and find a large object that I could punch. Instantly I'm punching, fighting, anything to keep my mind off of (Y/N). However, I was stopped a few hours later by someone speaking.

"You love her."

I turned and saw (Y/N)'s sister, Goldburst.

:Of course I love her:, I say defensively. :How couldn't I fall in love with that sweet demeanor of hers? Those gorgeous optics, and her exotic personality.:

"You love her even though she has killed many bots, maybe even someone you love?" Goldburst continues. I saw Sunflower enter the room and listen quietly.

:I've killed many bots too. We are in a war. And I don't care that she was Spiriter, and I don't care that she killed my parents. I love her and I can't stand to see her like this:, I growl. Goldburst smiles softly.

"But you guys are together, right?" Sunflower asks. I chuckle before shaking my head.

:Not officially, but I plan on changing that as soon as she wakes up:, I say.

Goldburst and Sunflower exchange glances before sighing. "About that, Bumblebee... we know a way to save her. Optimus knows it too, it's how he saved his sparkmate once. But... you have to really love her in order to do it", Goldburst says. Her voice was slightly dangerous, hinting at a possibility of injury of doing whatever  they were talking about. I didn't care.

:I will do anything to help her: I declare. Goldburst smiles softly.

"I was hoping you would say that", she whispers before walking over to me and standing directly in front of me. I was a bit nerve-wracking having her stand taller than me. Sunflower was about my height, and I already knew that (Y/N) was shorter than me. But it made her cuter.

Sunflower spoke, her normally cheerful, friendly voice gone. "In order to save her, you have to enter in her brain through an... unorthodox way. Normally only Seekers do it with their trine mates. However, there are a few exceptions, like with Optimus. You will be one of these few exceptions."

I grew slightly nervous. :What do you mean?:

Goldburst smiled softly. "Seeker trines are connected by their bonds. We can use this bond to open mental links, or sometimes even be in the same dream. It is similar to the cortical psychic patch, though not quite as... dangerous. It still had it's dangers this way, yes, but it also works wonders."

:What is it?: I can't help but ask.

"You enter her mind. And you spark bond there. It won't be the same as spark bonding when awake, but once you are both awake, you must spark bond then as well. It will stabilize her spark, especially if she has our sparks supporting hers as well", Sunflower explains. I nod softly, thinking about it carefully.

:I'll do it:, I answer bravely. :Anything for (Y/N).:

Goldburst smiles. "Perfect. What we need now is two berths in a private room. Good thing we ready got that set up."

:You knew I was going to say yes, didn't you?: I can't help but prod. Goldburst only smiles knowingly, causing me to roll my optics. We walked into the a room, and I saw Ratchet keeping an optic on (Y/N). I smile softly as Ratchet nods to her sisters and leaves the room.

Goldburst and Sunflower turn to me. "Lay down on the berth", Goldburst says before turning to Sunflower.

"You got this?" she asked her sister. Sunflower nodded and walked over to (Y/N)'s helm while I lay down on the second berth.

I feel two servos on my helm and close my optics. In an instant, I am surrounded by white and I see the femme I fell in love with.

:(Y/N): I say quietly. She instantly looks up, not having expected to see me here.

"Bumblebee!?" she exclaims as she stands up. "What are you doing here? Only people who are nearly dead are able to be here."

I smile softly. :Your sisters sent me.:

(Y/N)'s optics widen in realization. "They did it. They actually did it. I always thought that it was just a theory but... a Seeker's trine mates can send someone else into the first Seeker's mind... but... why are you here...?"

:Your sisters told me that your spark needs stabilizing... that it's very weak and that the only way to get it back to normal is to... well... I... this is awkward... I don't know how to explain it without possibly offending you...:

(Y/N) smiled. "Sparkmates. That's how my spark needs to be stabilized... but it won't work here... this is kind of a... place of limbo, I guess."

I smile awkwardly and rub the back of my helm. :It will allow your spark to stabilize just enough to wake up, and then we can complete the process later.:

(Y/N)'s eyes widen before she smirks. "So this is why my brothers did not show up. They knew this was going to happen."

I can't help but laugh quietly before walking closer to her.

:(Y/N)? Do you want to be my sparkmate?:

She blushed and looked down at the ground. "I've wanted to be your sparkmate for the longest time..."

I smile and pull her into a tight embrace.

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