Chapter Eighteen

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When you wake, it's completely dark, and there's no sign of anyone. You try to sit up, only to hear your armor shift against someone else's. It was then that you realized that Bumblebee was next to you, his arm around your waist. You smile softly, and try to ignore the throbbing in your spark.

You didn't want to bring up the pain in your spark, now that you knew what it was. While you had slept, you had dreamt of your brothers. Except it wasn't a dream. They had come to visit you, to tell you something that had been shared by Primus.

"Sister!" Thundercracker exclaimed when he saw you.

"Hey, Thunder, Sky. What brings you to my dreams tonight?" you ask. Your brothers share a glance that spoke volumes and you immediately feared the worst. "Guys, what's wrong?"

"It has to do with your spark pains", Skywarp murmurs. You stared in shock at them.

"How do you know about those?" you ask.

"Primus knows everything and he chose to share this with us", Thundercracker says solemnly. You were instantly afraid.

Thundercracker was never solemn. So... why was he now?

"Guys, what do you know that I don't?" you ask, fear lacing your voice, and vibrant in your optics.

Skywarp sighed softly. "Your spark is failing you. That is why it has been hurting so much. The blast to your chassis did more damage than what Ratchet thought."

"Is there any way to fix it?" you ask fearfully.

"That is for you to figure out", Thundercracker says. "Primus did not give us any more information."

You frown in frustration, before looking to your brothers.

"I'm going to wake up soon. I'll see you guys later..."

You shake your helm, before gently moving Bumblebee's arm. He groaned quietly.

:(Y/N): he mumbled sleepily. :Where are you going?:

You smile softly at the mech you loved. "Just need to stretch my legs. I'll be back soon. Go back to sleep."


Light snores filled the air as Bumblebee fell back asleep. You were glad he had stayed with you but now... you didn't want to be near him if you were just going to die again... you couldn't do that to him.

You walked towards the main room where you saw Ratchet leaning against the computer, fast asleep. You smile softly before walking further into the base, only having to stop and bend over as your spark throbbed painfully. Much more painfully than it had been before. You knew it was getting worse. You quickly found an abandoned room and closed the door.

Opening your spark chamber, you looked and found your spark flickering between lit up and dark. It was struggling to stay alive, which meant it was struggling to keep you alive. You lean against the wall, and close your spark chamber. Staring up at the ceiling you couldn't help but let out an upset cry of anguish.

You fell to the floor and started crying quietly. You didn't want this. You didn't want anyone to worry about you. You didn't want anyone to know about this, but at the same time, you did. Your mind felt conflicted about what to do with your struggling spark.

Could Ratchet fix it or would it be beyond his expertise? How could you tell someone that you are dying without having any proof? Would anyone even care?

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