Chapter Four

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You were leaning against the wall, resting your optics. It had been nearly a month since the Autobots had taken you captive. You knew that the Decepticons had no idea you were alive, due to Bumblebee informing you what happened.

A few moments later, the door opened and you saw Bumblebee with your daily energon. You shook your head.

"Save the energon for your team. Primus knows you need it", you mutter. Bumblebee shook his head and whirled at you, handing you the energon. You smiled a soft smile before placing it to the side.

"Bug, I'm not going to take it. Take it to someone who needs it", you say.

Bumblebee shook his head. :Optimus has ordered that we keep you alive and healthy.:

You scoffed. "Why? It's not like I'm going to join the Autobots anytime soon. That and I doubt I'll be able to be used as a bargaining piece. The 'cons think I'm dead."

:Speaking of cons, would you know why Starscream has been more angry lately?: Bumblebee whirled at you.

You close your eyes and smile sadly. "I'll tell you why if you say what you think might be the reason."

Bumblebee was quiet for a moment. :Um... maybe he lost someone he loved. He was like this after Skywarp and Thundercracker disappeared.:

"Ding ding ding!" you exclaim loudly. "You're spot on. Starscream lost someone close to him. He thinks she's dead and probably blames himself..."

:Why would he blame himself?:

You sigh before sitting up and staring straight into Bumblebee's optics.

"Who did the 'cons lose lately? Who would've been caught in a mine explosion if not for an Autobot groundbridge opening up right in front of her?"

Bumblebee's optics widen. :You mean Starscream cared about you? You weren't sparkmates, were you?:

You snorted. "That would be awkward. Think about it, bug. I'm a seeker. Screamer is a seeker. Why would we be close if we were both seekers but not in the same trine?"

Bumblebee stepped back, his body rigid in alarm. :Starscream is your brother?!:

"Good job, bug. Now you know my relationship with Starscream. And you probably understand why he's angry now."

Bumblebee was quick to leave, closing the door behind him. Sometimes you wished you had your weapons so you could escape but you knew that would never happen. Sighing, you grabbed the energon and took a small sip of it before setting it to the side, not feeling  like consuming the energon. You knew your body needed it, but what was the point? Your brother already thought you were dead, why not let his thoughts be true?

You knew that was a twisted way of thinking, but hey, you're a Decepticon. All Decepticons have twisted ways of thinking. Besides, it's not like you were getting out of here anytime soon.

You closed your eyes yet again, but it didn't last long due to the door opening. You saw Optimus standing there, with Bumblebee and Bulkhead standing behind him.

"Bumblebee has informed me that Starscream is your brother", Optimus says.

You sigh and nod. "Yep. The screamer is my brother."

Bulkhead snorts and whispers something to Bumblebee, who only glanced at him before focusing back on you and Optimus.

"How would you like to call Starscream and let him know that you alive and well?"

Your optics widened and you stood up  quickly, earning a startled yelp from Bulkhead. "You would let me do that?

Optimus nods. "Indeed. Though it was not my idea, it was our young scouts idea."

You smile at Bumblebee. "Thanks, bug."

Bumblebee whirls at you, and you smile softly. "When will this communication take place?"

"Right now", Optimus answers. You nod softly and follow him out of your cell. Bulkhead and Bumblebee were behind you, ready for anything you might try, though all you wanted to do was contact your brother and let him know that you were alive and well.

Ratchet was waiting by the computers as you approached and was ready to type in what you told him.

You gave him your brothers communication link and he called him.

"Who is this?" Starscream's angry voice came over the computer.

"Hey, Screamer", you say quietly.

"(Y/N)!?" he exclaims. You chuckle quietly.

"Indeed, brother", you says softly.

"Where are you? I'll get Soundwave to send you a groundbridge", Starscream says frantically.

You sigh sadly. "No can do, Scream. I don't know my coordinates and you won't be able to track my position. This was merely to let you know that I am alive and doing well. I'm being taken care of, so you don't need to worry about me."

"I will always worry about my little sister", Starscream said sharply. "You may not be in my trine, but you are still my sister and I will not lose you like I already thought I lost you. So, find out your coordinates and I will come and get you myself."

"Scream... I can't..." you were choking on your own words now. "I'm sorry. I have to go now. I love you, brother."

"Wait-" Starscream's voice was cut off by Ratchet ending the call. You looked to the floor and allowed yourself to be led to your cell. You instantly went to your berth and laid down, facing the wall. You heard some sad whirls come from Bumblebee and a more angry voice come from Bulkhead. You could care less about what they were saying. You just wanted to see and talk to your brother again.

And with that, you fell asleep.

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