Chapter Two

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*five years later*

You walk up to Starscream and smile devilishly. "So, brother, what is on the agenda today?"

Starscream growled.

"(Y/N), you know not to call me brother in public. What if Megatron finds out?"

You scoff. "Scream, he probably already knows or suspects something. Not to mention, Soundwave is always listening so he probably knows too."

Starscream sighs. "You are probably right, sister." He was about to say something else, but Soundwave appeared behind you with a set of coordinates. Starscream looked at it and grinned.

"Another energon deposit?" he asked. Soundwave nodded once and Starscream chuckled evilly.

"Set our course to those coordinates. We must get there before the Autobots!"

You watched on the large screen as the scenery went by. You weren't sure as to why Starscream insisted on it showing this tiny planets scenery but you didn't argue. He was your commander technically. If you were honest with yourself, you also weren't entirely sure how Starscream became second in command especially not with the two of you planning on taking down Megatron. You both knew that he had killed the other two members of Starscream's trine, and you were angry. Those were your brothers he had brutally murdered.

Soon, you and the rest of the ship had arrived at the coordinates only to see a red Autobot already there.

"Cliffjumper", you hiss. "Let me take control of this one, brother."

Starscream nodded and you instantly fired a blast from one of the guns on the ship before sending several vehicons down to attack him. You followed them out, but only stood in the background, watching. Cliffjumper managed to survive most of the vehicons. He took down almost all of them. When he got through the last one, you stepped forward through the smoke and glared at Cliffjumper. He was looking around for more vehicons but when his optics landed on you, he froze and his eyes widened.

"(Y/N)?" he whispered. "Is that you?"

You kept silent and walked forward in what you hoped was a menacing gait. Cliffjumper watched you warily. It was only when you pulled out your glimmering crystal sword that he grew defensive. He focused on your sword and didn't see the gun at your hip. You quickly pulled up the gun and aimed it at him. His eyes widened and you fired. He dodged out of the way, but the energon didnt move and ended up exploding. You were engulfed in the blue flames but ignored the heat. It didn't hurt you anyway. You waited patiently for it to clear up some and once it did, you were quick to find Cliffjumper.

You grabbed his wrist and pulled him forward. He was much bigger than you so it looked comical for a small Decepticon to be able to pull the larger Autobot. Soundwave opened a ground bridge up into the ship. You saw a couple vehicons and sighed in relief.

"Both of you! Take this Autobot to Commander Starscream!" you ordered.

"Yes, Lieutenant (Y/N)!" They both spoke at the same time and were quick to start dragging Cliffjumper to the bridge where Starscream waited. You followed and stood next to Starscream as Cliffjumper came to his senses.

Once he did, he was quick to speak. "(N/N), Scream. Been a while." Cliffjumper coughed up some energon. "So, where's your master?"

You kept a straight face but inside you were afraid for him. Now that you thought about it Starscream wasn't exactly the merciful type and you didn't want Cliffjumper to die.

"Never mind him!" Starscream exclaims. "I am my own master."

You snorted but tried to cover it up with a cough when Starscream glared at you. After this, he jammed his sharp digits through Cliffjumper's already weakened frame. You held back a gasp of shock when you realized where his digits were. Cliffjumper's spark... Cliffjumper let out a cry of pain and Starscream spoke.

"Anymore questions?" he growled. Cliffjumper only looked at Starscream's servo which Starscream removed. Energon was dripping freely especially when Starscream moved his servo. Cliffjumper fell forward and you continued to try to hold back a surprised gasp as energon fell to the floor in a puddle. A loud clang sounded and you watched in horror, though you hid it well.

"Clean that up", Starscream ordered the two vehicons. You watched for a few moments before turning away and facing Starscream.

"Brother, I will be on a flight", you say, seemingly indifferent to what just occurred. Starscream nodded and you quickly left

You flew towards where you just were and found the rest of the Autobots gathered around in the small pit where the energon had been. You saw Arcee cradling something and you knew they knew what happened. You flew away and let them grieve for their lost friend just like you were about to do once you found somewhere safe from both Autobots and Decepticons alike.

A few minutes later you landed and transformed in the desert. Ignoring the sand, you sat on one of the sand dunes and stared off into the sunset.

You couldn't help but remember when you and Cliff would do this on Cybertron before the war. You missed him deeply because he was your best friend, not to mention your only friend when you were a child. No one else seemed to like you. Not even your trinemates-they left you for scrap.

Eventually, as the bleeding sun disappeared from view, and the stars appeared, you decided that it was time to head back. You called for a ground bridge and was instantly given one. You walked through and nodded at Soundwave in thanks. He didnt say or do anything in return. You walked to the room you had been given upon arrival here and laid down on the berth. Closing your optics, you soon fell asleep.

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