Chapter Thirteen

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"Bug... can I talk to you about something?"

Bumblebee was about to respond but Ratchet interrupted him.

"Can it wait until later, (Y/N)? I'd like to scan you and add you into our system as well as change that Decepticon symbol."

You sigh quietly before nodding. You follow Ratchet to the corner he had claimed as the sick bay, and let him scan you. He uploaded the scan to the computer and looked through your past medical files, pausing at the sight of a specific thing listed on your medical files. He was quick to shoo away any unwanted listening ears, as in everyone that was nearby.

"(Y/N), it says here that you came from a sparkbirth", Ratchrt murmurs. "Does that mean you did not come from the Well of Allsparks?"

You chuckle softly. "Indeed, Ratchet. Seekers are different than other Cybertronians. We have never come from the Well of Allsparks. Every seeker you will ever meet is sparkborn."

Ratchet stared at you in shock. "I did not know that. I have never looked over a Seeker before."

You smile softly. "If you have any questions about Seekers, feel free to ask me."

Ratchet nodded before turning back to your file. You waited for a while, and when you saw his optics widen, you knee he had come across the next big thing. Your daughter.

"You have a daughter?" he whispered in shock. You smile sadly.

"Had. She's dead. Been that way for a long time. I wish... oh, what does it matter what I wish? It's not like I'll ever had a child again. I'll always love my little Starfire though."

"Starfire? Was that her name?" Ratchet asks kindly.

You smile. "Yeah. I was the only one able to look after her after that stupid mech left me for some other femme."

"Were you ever sparkbonded?" Ratchet asked.

"No", I mutter.

"But... you have to be spark bonded in order to have a child."

You chuckle darkly. "Seekers are different, my friend. We can have sparklings without being spark bonded. Makes it easier to have multiple children at the same time. That's why there were always so many seekerlings at specific times on Cybertron. Because all the femmes were sparked at the same time, and each usually had three at a time, hence the trines."

Ratchet stared at you in shock. "So... you didn't have three sparklings?"

You shake your head. "No. Due to the mech I was with not being a Seeker, there was only one sparkling. Usually the next two after it would join their sparks with the first in order to become a trine. That's what would have happened with Arcee if she had any more siblings."

"Arcee is a seeker?!" Ratchrt exclaims in shock.

"Half seeker", you corrected. "She had one parent who was a seeker and one who wasn't. That's why she has the winglets, but can't fly. That's what my Starfire was. She looked quite a bit like Arcee, paint job aside."

Ratchet hummed softly before shaking his head. He saved my file before coming over to me. "Let's get that symbol changed now, shall we?"

You nod and he starts work on it. You spoke of many things as he worked, and he asked many questions about seekers and the difference between them and other Cybertronians. Soon, he was finished, and you both exited back into the main room. You were surprised to see Agent Fowler just exiting the elevator, immediately talking to Optimus.

"What have you learned, Prime?" he started. "And you better not blow smoke up my oven." He paused when he noticed Nurse Darby. "Uh... Ms. Darby. What a nice surprise", he says nervously. You smirked. Someone has a crush.

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