Chapter Twelve

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You sat in a cave, not sure what to do. Maybe... maybe you could contact Bumblebee. No. You couldn't do that. But you wanted to make sure he and Raf were alright.

You groaned in frustration, hitting your head against the wall. A quiet beep ran through the caves and you absent-mindedly answered it.

:(Y/N), are you alright?:

You recognized the whirls of Bumblebee and smiled softly. You missed this.

"I'm fine. How are you and Raf doing?"

:Raf isn't doing so well... Ratchet can't figure out what's wrong with him... I'm really worried.:

"Raf is strong, he'll make it through this", you said confidently.

:You think so?: Bee asked hopefully.

"Bug, I know so", you answered with a smile in your face.

You could imagine Bumblebee's body shaking with laughter. You definitely missed him, and you wanted to be with him so badly. You just hoped he wouldn't bring up-

:(Y/N), why did you kiss me?: Bumblebee asked.

Welp, he brought it up. Now you had to figure out some way to answer.

"Bug, I feel like that should be obvious", you answered, a small smile on your face.

Bumblebee was silent for a moment before you heard him sigh.

:I am afraid of the answer:, he whispers. :I am afraid that you feel the same way I feel about you. Because I know I shouldn't feel this way about you, but that kiss is all I can think about... even when my charge is hurt, the first bot that comes to my mind to comfort me is you. I know you hurt my family, but now my new family is hurt, and I am scared. And all I know is that you make me less scared.:

You voice had caught in your throat as you listened to him. You couldn't believe this. Everything he had said nearly matched with your own thoughts.

"Bug... what are you saying?" you whisper.

:I'm saying that I really need you right now... that's why I called...: he whispers. You were quiet for a moment.

"Would it be alright for me to come to the Autobot base?" you asked. You heard Bumblebee ask someone else something, and him whirling in relief.

:You're free to come here. I can open a ground bridge to your coordinates:, Bumblebee answers. You quickly give him your coordinates and soon, a swirling green portal opens. You smile softly and step through, immediately recognizing the Autobot base. The humans were all at a safe distance, and you noticed a couple blasters pointed at you.

You smile softly and hold up your hands. "If it will make you guys feel better, you are free to remove me of my weapons."

Arcee was quick to grab my sword, and a few of my other weapons before putting them in one of the back hallways. Bulkhead put his blasters away but stayed over by the humans to protect them. You searched through the main room of the base until your optics landed on the yellow and black scout. You smile at him softly and you saw his door wings flutter happily. You smile a bit bigger, having missed him terribly. In an instant, you were standing in front of him, staring up into his optics. He was smiling, though it wasn't visible. However, it disappeared when you heard Ratchet realize that it wasn't energon affecting Raf, it was Dark Energon. Your optics widen.

"I need energon!" Ratchet yells. A new human that you didn't recognize spoke up.

"Wait, you said that energon was devastating to humans", she said, staring up at the orange and white medic.

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