Chapter Fourteen

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You and the rest of the team had just gone through the ground bridge and you were instantly wary. This was not what you were expecting.

It was dark and gloomy in Unicron, but also not. It had a purple glow to it, and it was almost as if you were on the Deception warship. Only... you were on walkways that if you fell off of, there was probably no chance of survival. Not to mention, you know, the fact that if you were walking on Unicron's veins, just how large he must actually be.

You shudder softly before catching up to Optimus and Megatron. Arcee does the same but she actually had a question.

"So, how long until Unicron knows we're here?" she asks.

"Make no mistake. He already does", Megatron says gravely.

'Well isn't that just wonderful', you couldn't help but think to yourself. Nevertheless, you followed the group and kept yourself on high alert, ready to attack anything that may pose a threat to you or your friends. Or to Megatron, but honestly, you didn't give a flying fish about what happened to him.

You had only been walking for maybe ten to fifteen minutes when Megatron gasped sharply. A minute later, he put his servo to his helm and looked at Optimus.

"Unicron grows ever stronger", he murmurs. He walks past all of us, and Arcee speaks quietly to Optimus.

"How do we know Unicron isn't using Megatron to lead us all into a trap?"

Optimus' response made you nervous. "We don't."

It obviously made Arcee nervous because she transformed her servos into blasters and then continued on. Five minutes later, Bulkhead groaned quietly.

:Bulkhead?: Bee asked worriedly. :What's the matter? Are you okay?:

"Fine, Bee", Bulkhead answers. "Just woozy."

"The dark energon", Arcee realizes. "It's starting to affect him." She grabbed his large arm in her tiny servos and started guiding him along. You instantly knew that this would be the perfect opportunity to attack prepared to do so by pulling out your sword, and walking forward with it, intently listening for any sort of sound.

Megatron turns to look at us. "He's preparing to expel us", Megatron says after a short pause.

You instantly pull up your sword, and start getting ready to attack what might be coming to attack you and the group. Weird screeching noises came from all around and you were quick to look around and see what it might be. You gape in horror at the weird bug like things that were coming at the group from all directions. Immediately, they began shooting at everyone, and you expertly blocked the shots with your sword. Eventually you put the sword away and switched to blasters. You didn't want to use your boosters just yet, but was prepared to use them if need be. Which, need be actually came up pretty quickly.

Arcee leaped over one and was about to land when she got shot in the back and was forced to go to a platform further below. Without hesitation, you jumped down next to her, surprising her.

"(Y/N), what are you doing down here? We have no way back up", Arcee says as she continues to fire at the anti-bodies.

"I am the way back up", you say as you roll your eyes. You extend a hand out to her. She transforms one of her hands and you instantly pull her close to your body, holding her around her waist. Her pedes did not touch the floor, and she yelped.

"What are you doing?" she almost screamed, struggling.

"If you struggle, I'm gonna drop you while we fly, and I don't think we want that to happen", you mutter. Arcee blinks and goes limp.

"Keep your blasters out. You're to keep any and all anti-bodies from getting to close to us. Arcee nods and in an instant, you're up and flying through the air back to the original walkway. And then Bulkhesd slipped, scaring Arcee, who managed to slip away from your grasp and starting falling. In an instant, you transformed and opened a com link with Arcee.

-Face flat towards the bottom, and hold yourself in a starfish position-

-Why would I-?-

-Just trust me, Arcee!-

You watch as she does what you say and in and instant, you give all power to your jet and fly underneath her. She instantly grabs onto your wings and you start flying back up to the walkway. Once you get there, Arcee hops off and you transform.

"Well, now I know why we did that all the time as kids", you mutter. Arcee didn't say anything and instead continued shooting at the anti-bodies. While she had been falling, Optimus had helped Bulkhead up from his slip, and they were both now fighting. Eventually, you all ran to the cover of a short tunnel, where it was easier to defend, and no one could fall of an edge. And lo and behold, at the end of the tunnel was a large room that held the doorway that led to Unicron's spark. You continued fighting the anti-bodies even as you heard Optimus yell over the sound of fighting.

"Autobots, I will need you to keep our attackers at bay for as long as you can", he said, firing off one last shot. With that you kept fighting. You had switched from having both blasters out to having one blaster out and your sword so if any got too close you could easily destroy it.

"We've got to hold fast!" Bulkhead yelled as he continued shooting. "For Optimus!"

It did not take very long before all of the anti-bodies dropped to the ground, and the battle was over. With that, Bulkhead didn't hesitate to turn and smash through the doorway. You ran through quickly, eager to find your leader and get out of there with your team.

However, what you saw when you all got through the last door was not what you expected.

"Optimus, are you okay?" Bulkhead asked.

"Why did he call me that?" Optimus asked. You stopped dead in your tracks. That was not Optimus. So... who could it be...?

"What did you do to him?" Arcee growls.

"Who are they?" the familiar looking bot asks. A ground bridge opened near them, and Megatron smirked.

"Our mortal enemies", Megatron answers. "We're outnumbered! Go! I'll cover you."

You glare at him and start towards him. "Megatron, don't you dare take away another one of our loved ones!" you yell. That caught Optimus' attention and he looked at you as if he recognized you. But he still went through the portal all the same.

Megatron shot at you, but you was too focused on Optimus to notice that there was a blast coming right towards you until it hit you right by your spark. You were sent flying back, and everything went dark.

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