Chapter Twenty-Three

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When Bumblebee returns from collecting an Omega Key, he was badly damaged. You instantly rushed over, and helped take Arcee's weight off him, due to her being injured as well.

"What happened?" Ratchet exclaimed. Arcee growled before explaining.

"Knockout was there, waiting for us", she said. You sighed before looking at Bumblebee. You knew he had felt your happiness, excitement, and nervousness earlier and was curious. You led him away, after getting a nod from Ratchet, who knew what you were about to tell him.

Once you were hidden from the ears and eyes of the Autobots, you looked at Bumblebee's confused, and curious optics. You smiled softly, before opening you mouth to speak, but he spoke before you.

:What's going on, (Y/N)? I could feel several emotions from you earlier, and they're still there, though your nervousness is the strongest one:, Bumblebee says.

"Bug, I... I have no idea how to tell you this..." you whisper to him. "It's not that I'm not excited to tell you, I just don't know how you'll react."

"But?" Bumblebee prompted.

"But, I know I need to tell you", you continued. "Since it's not just about me or you anymore." A hand moved to rest above your spark. "It's about all of us."

:All of us?: Bumblebee asked, extremely confused. :There's only two of us... here... (Y/N), you don't mean what I think you mean...:

Happy tears sprung up in your optics as you smiled happily. "Bug, I'm sparked."

Bumblebee was silent for a moment, before happy, excited whirling filled the area, and probably the whole.

:I'm gonna be a sire?: he asked, his optics full of hope. You smile and laugh, all the while nodding. Bumblebee cheered, and you continue laughing before dragging him back towards the main room.

"Come on. We gotta tell everyone", you say. Bumblebee whisks you off your feet, startling you. "Wha? Bumblebee!! Put me down!"

Bumblebee only laughs and continues to carry you to the main room, making you groan unhappily.

He finally set you down once you got to the main room. Of course, everyone was watching you, probably having heard Bumblebee's excited cheers.

"So... we heard Bumblebee was really excited about something", Goldburst says.

"Yeah, literally", Sunflower adds. "We could hear his voice from here. And we can also feel your nervousness, (Y/N), so spit out whatever you told him."

You laugh, surprising everyone with how happy it sounds.

"That's because I told him some really good news", you say with a smile. "Though such good news means that I cannot join any missions."

"How is it good news if you can't join missions anymore?" Bulkhead asks.

:Because we will be having a new member join our team:, Bumblebee smiles lovingly at you. The bots and humans were murmuring in confusion not really understanding. Only Raf was not confused, his eyes shining with excitement.

"No way!" he breathed. "You're sparked?"

Silence filled the air as you looked at Raf in shock that he knew the term. He blushed.

"Ratchet's been teaching me Cybertronian terms", he mumbles. You chuckle lightly.

"Well, you're not wrong", you say. "I am with sparkling."

Surprised exclamations filled the air, and when you glanced at Optimus, his surprise was not hidden at all. You smiled, knowing that he had never expected to be a grandsire. Looking at the rest of the team, you knew none of them were expecting this. You weren't even expecting this.

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