Chapter 19-Part 2: The Mega Surprise

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We all got into a large circle taking turns on asking people truth or dare. I was sitting next to Adi, still feeling bad about what I thought earlier. On the other side of me was Varun and next to him Shanti. They really hit it off well.

Some were asked to mainly who they liked and about love. Some others were dared to call a Chinese fast food place and order the whole meal in a very hard to understand accent. Anything not related to the order, that person spoke fluent English.

Soon it was Shanti's turn. Oh god, I bet she's gonna say something to me..... about Aditi.

"Sidharth! I dare you to kiss Adi! '' she states, saying the last part quietly.

"No! I'm not gonna do that! At least not in front of all of you." I said back.

"She's not even looking or paying attention. At least kiss her on the cheek!" she said suggestive.

"Here goes nothing"

Then it happened.


I was talking to Riya who was next to me. Sidharth was on the other side of me. We had a side conversation since we close to the last to be asked something. It was 1am and everyone was here but Shahid and Isha. They left an hour ago. Soon after we started playing.

As we were talking Riya asked, "Hey, check where we are in line for questions!"

As I turned around it happened. I found out who was next, it was me. But instead of seeing who was next, our lips touched. With no interruptions what so ever. It only lasted like 5 seconds before we both realized what had happened. We both were blushing crazy, not trying to make eye contact.

"Um excuse me..." I finally said., breaking the silence, standing up.

"Uh, ya... same" Sidharth said as he got up also.

"No problem. Take your time." Riya said.

We both walked into my room and before Sid closed the door, I hear Varun and Shanti yell "USE PROTECTION KIDS!" and started laughing. They got a bunch of "oi's" and "ay's" from the group.


Then everyone else went all like "ohhh" and "haha".

When it was closed, we were the only two in the room. We went towards the bed and sat down. Finally we looked at each other and said "Woah"


She laughed at our unison reaction.

"Look, it was bound to happen anytime by now.." I said.

She started laughing softly "My lips were on yours slightly'' she said.

"Aditi, I think it's time that I need to tell you something" I said.

"And what's that?" she asked.

"Ok here me out. I really really love you. Anytime your away from me, I feel like you are completely away. When you cry I feel like a tone of bricks tumbled onto me. When your hurt, I'm hurting inside and bawling my eyes out. I feel like I wasn't there for you!" I said quickly.

She smiled at me, tears forming in her eyes. "Wow, no one has ever said that to me Sidharth. You know when my world was crumbling, you became the light and showed me the distance. My life has become better when I thought it would become worst. The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left. The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you.The reason why I'm not willing to do you anything for you is because I would do everything for you.

The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life." she said.

With that I leaned in and kissed her lips. Not her hand, not her head, not her cheek, her lips.

It was slow, yet sweet and passionate. It felt like it would last for a million years but it eventually ended.

When she pulled away, she said the words I was begging to hear, "I love you so much Pagal"

With that I knelt on the floor and took out the Siditi engraved promise ring, I've had forever, waiting for this moment. It finally has came.


He knelt down and I just stared. I saw I ring come out.

"We have known each other for 3 months now and let me tell you, I love everything that has happened in between. Yes, even when Veronica did that, it brought us closer together. And now knowing that we are actually here for each other, I promise to be there. Will you be my girlfriend? " he said.

"Sidharth yes yes yes!!!" I said and he smiled slipping the ring on.

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