Chapter 16: Life gets Better

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"Thank you so much! Yep, I'll be there" I said with excitement in my voice, yet trying not to scream while I was talking to the head office.

As soon as I put my phone down, I screamed.

"What happened? Telllllllll meeeee" Sidharth asked.

"You know how Roy is in jail for about 6 years now? Well because of that, IM THE NEW STORE MANAGER!!! WHICH MEANS I.. CAN QUIT AT THE LIQUOR STORE AND SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOU!... the others too of course.''I said, jumping into his arms and hugging him.

"Hey congrats!" he said as I pulled away.

"You know I didn't mind for you to hug? Right?" he said heading to the couch.

"Dude, just best best friends." I told him, slightly hiding my face.

"Oh Adi.... I think we are more than just friends now.." he winks at me after stating the flirtatious comment.

He ran to the couch (yes couch, I raised enough money to by a couch that went perfectly with my apartment) and sat guarding himself as if he already read my mind.

I went towards him playfully slapped him on this arm and he faked an ouch. Sitting next to him hindi songs came on as he flickered the TV.

In my mind everything was actually going in its places. I was actually turning 22 in a few days which makes me the youngest of the group, Riya at 23 soon to be 24, Sidharth at 24, and Shanti at 23 with her 3 friends.


Aditi looked in her own gaze, and it was pretty adorable. The way her eyes wondered around trying to finger out something, and her ruffling her long nails the object close to her was absolutely amazing how she never notics that someone is talking to her or looking even. I even remember that one day she let it slip put of her mouth....


I mean, I don't know why I'm acting like this with him. He's just a guy that lives right below me, he's not my boyfriend. Although, with his awesome features, perfect hair, fluent English, toned abs... I really wouldn't mind having him as my boyfriend. NO! ADITI STOP! HE KISSED VERONICA!!!

Luckily I just said that in my head, otherwise that would just be very awkward if he heard me say that.

"Look, I know that I kissed that slut and I regret it. Also, really, Adi, you think of me that way?" Sidharth said, flirtatiously.

"What... heard me say that!? Are you psychic or something?" I asked shocked.

"No, I'm not a psychic. You tend to whisper, or should I blabber your own thoughts out loud. I've noticed from the first day I met you, I know that you do that when your nervous. You also play with your earrings when your nervous," he said.

"Woah there, stalker much" I say whisper-like.

"Haha," he said rubbing the back of his neck, sort of embarrassed.

Giving him a questioning look I said, "Yeah, I thought so."

*End of Flashback*

The memory made me laugh and sad at the same time because I've made her cry. I've put her through a lot of shit.

I quickly intertwine our hands together and it causes Adi to come out of her thoughts, staring at me shocked.

"What are you thinking about?!" I asked questioning.

"You...... and just overall life Sid. It has become better Sid, it has." she says whispering as if we were in a library.

Smiling, I brought our intertwined fingers closer to my face, her sleeve slips down, showing all her cuts.


Sidharth sees all my cuts from my left arm and there were 4 total healing ones. I pulled away but he caught my arm in time and kissed each one gently. The sparks came back like from the day at 7-eleven when we 1st touched hands yet this was triple the excitement and butterflies.


I kissed all her marks and I saw that she flinched every time yet enjoyed it. (don't think dirty ya little nasties)

Afterwards when I did her eyes were still closed and I said "Please don't cut for anything or a pagal like me" I said.

"I don't think that will be a problem. I think we got each other's back." she said opening her eyes. She was becoming flirtatious. I liked it.

"Adi trust me when I say I will be here for you from now onwards and I'm sorry if you don't want me to that but this pagal will be protecting you for a long time." I said holding her hand.

"Okay pagal." she said flirtatiously and kissed my cheek. The fireworks were exploding inside me and there are now seriously butterflies in my stomach.

I first stare at her shocked and then point to my cheek and was about to say something when I never minded it. She chuckled at my shocking expression and we both turned to the TV, both hands intertwined together. Soon I heard light snores from Adi and eventually her head fell onto my shoulder. I just smiled.

I decided to spend the night and so I quickly went downstairs to my apartment to grab the stuff I needed. When I came back, Adi was still on the couch, sleeping like an angel. She looked so peaceful and stress-free. I picked her up bridal style slowly and layed her down on her bed. She comforted herself by moving around was again asleep.

I washed my face and changed. I returned, thinking of I should just sleep on the couch or next to her. After a long thought I quietly slipped in next to Adi and cuddled close to her.

"Good night Aditi." I said softly yet loud enough for her to hear. I kissed the top of her head and saw from the corner of my eye her smiling slightly.

All I thought of was when she kissed my cheek and how lucky I am to have her in my life. This caused me to cuddle next to her more. God, I can't even describe how much I care for you.

Hey hey hey! Ikr.... ROMANTIC! I felt like it had to happen. I'm sorry it was kinda short to those of you that enjoy long chapters. Longer ones will come, trust me. Also talking about chapters... the next one will be divided into two parts so 1 chapter= 2 parts and the answer is still 1 chapter. If that confused u, you'll understand in a while.

But that's all my lovelies!!!


I love you guys so much...

Stay Cloudy ☁

Booshka? Booshka.

You're all beautiful


Lava lamps and old principals.


bdhehusbdhehdhd.... Byeeeeee!!!!

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