Chapter 31: Finally

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Late August, 8 months later


I was sitting inside Aditi's room waiting. Waiting and waiting for her to shake awake. I've been coming since the whole Veronica incident. I've been coming everyday and sleeping here, making sure she's alright. Her arms are better but still are cut slightly because of how deep they were.

Please wake up Adi. I repeat everyday.

The doctor came to me shortly as I broke up of my thoughts.

"Sid, her tests came out positive. Pray for her. I think I should give you this. You should be thankful Adi and I have the same phone, I charged it for you." in his hands was a bag.

I stood up and took it from gratefully while he left the room smiling.

As I walked back to the plastic chairs, I glanced inside.

-her phone





When I sat back down I first looked inside her purse not to find as many important things.

Then I felt her clothes but instantly regretted it as I felt dried blood. Tucking them back in, I looked at her wallet and slightly opened it to see the picture we took of us at a photo booth, me kissing her cheek. Smiling slightly I was about to close it when a shiny object bounced out.

Picking it up I grinned remember when I first gave this to her.

The Siditi ring.

Her phone was next and I am curious. Punching in her password, I was greeted to messages.

My name was on top and I last message I sent her was come back now.

It was before I got mad.

I started reading the message she was going to send me.

Dear Sid! Happy Birthday my love! I know youaren't happy about Neil being here but it was a crush. I truly only love you. Sure I may like him, but only as a good friend. I was trying to explain that but you got mad, so I needed fresh air. Don'tworry though, I'll be back after break, I promise.

She isn't back yet.

Continuing the message I read, I have great gifts for you! BUT I GOT IN! TO THE PHOTOGRAPHY HEADQUARTERS!! AAAAAAH! I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY FOR ME! This means so much to me and I hope you support me Sid. I love you, so mu-

I cringed at the thought of why the message didn't continue.

Pulling out the papers were the forms of acceptance.

Be in LA December 12th by noon. Said the paper along with other instructions.

This was great!!!!

I slowly put the things back into the bag and sat down next Aditi.

Taking her hand I stroked her thumb slightly. I started at her for a long time.... until I felt her hand move.

Quickly pulling away my hand, I looked at her. Then the diagrams started going off.

What's happening?!?

"Doctor!!" I yelled and soon enough was pushed out of the room.

I called everyone saying to come to the hospital.


"Sidharth. She's okay." the doctor told me in his office.

"Thank you so much, so much." I responded.

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