Chapter 33: Packing Memories

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ADITI POV (October)

It was just a few weeks until Sid would leave me and really everyone. Varun and Shanti would be going to.

It was the morning of my birthday, and again I wasn't looking forward for this day. Currently I was in my room staring at my reflection and noticing the changes over this whole year.

Wearing a dress, I noticed I gained weight, but in the good way. I was eating more. My arms were able to be visible, without any cuts. I looked... good. All because of those coming back into my life. What will happen, when they all go away.

My phone ringing brought me out of my negative thoughts. Looking at myself one last and running my hand through my hair, I answered my phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Come downstairs", shouts Shanti on the phone. I hung up quickly and ran out of my room, going to the front door. Turning off all the kitchen lights, I went outside and locked my door.

As I went down the stairs, I cringed seeing Varun and Sidharth loading their bags into their car. Shanti was saying something about going to an arcade after dinner but I completely blanked out and kept staring at the loading of bags.

Suddenly two arms wrapped around my waist, hugging me. Immediately I blinked coming out of my trance and hugged back closing my eyes. Sid whispered in my ear quietly, "Everything will be okay"

I took my head off his shoulder and looked him in the eyes, nodding.

Pulling away I went to Shades who was sitting on the nearby bench. Going in for a hug but she sort of tripped me and made me fall close next to her. I lightly laughed at the situation and she hugged me tight yelling, "Happy birthday bitch!"

"Shanti, watch your shitty language." Varuna says closing the trunk.

"Don't tell me what- hold on, you just said shitty. You little-" she started as getting up jogging towards the car.

"Okkkaay, my baby, let's go now okay." Varun said wrapping his arm around Shanti's neck. She laughed and they started walking together to the car.

"Baby, let's go?" Sid says mimicking.

I lightly laugh and tell him, "Don't call me baby." He offers me his hand and instead I scoop my arm through his as we also go to the car.














"Are you that stupid?!" Varun says laughing as we were finishing up the slices of cheesecake given out to us.

We 4 were currently sitting outside at a restaurant eating cheesecake given to us for my birthday and discussing middle school stories.

"It's true. I tripped!! All humans do Varun!" I replied laughing, bending forward since he was sitting in front of me.

"But still! You tripped over your own shoes! And your mom kept telling you to tie your shoelace, yet you didn't." he argued.

"That too in front of Vince, and you were inches away from your house." Shanti said trying to cover up her laughter.

"Okay whatever. You know what? That's why you two are together, all you do is argue back and be judgemental. God, I wonder how your arguments end.." I said joking around while putting my head on Sidharth's shoulder, who was sitting next to me.

"You don't want to know" they replied at the same time.

"Wait, who's Vince?" Sidharth says after laughing. I stop laughing and look at Shades who was smirking.

After slowly lifting my head away from his shoulder to look in his eyes, Shanti spoke for me.

"Aditi's best guy friend. And they liked each other." she says. Varuna watches amused.

"No, we didn't like each other! What about Micheal???" I shot back.

"What about Micheal? Shanti, we live with him." Varuna says, now Shanti placed in my spot.

"He was my best friend, but only for a while because then high school." I said giving a side smile.

Thinking he'd get overly jealous and mad, he surprised me by responding with,"Okay".

Afterwards we just watched Shanti and Varun's quarrel about Micheal. It's a good thing it's all just for fun for them, otherwise.... yikes.

Finally, after Varun saying "I'm only joking" and ending that talk, we got the check.

Varun and Shanti payed after we all having an argument on who would. Shanti said it was only fair because Sid had taken me out the whole day and it was their gift to me. We silently agreed and exited the restaurant.

Once we got back to our apartment, Varun and Shanti went back home as for the 3 of them have a early start tomorrow. After them wishing me a happy birthday one last time, they left.

We went up to my apartment because Sid's was completely empty. His stuff was packed up and the furniture would be shipped to India.

I was slowly combing my hair as Sid was in the restroom changing into his night wear which he's leaving behind.

A head went in the crook of my neck and I jumped in my spot. Blining and looking in the dresser mirror, Sid was in a sweatshirt and gray sweatpants his hair all messed up. I smiled at him but slowly it drifted away as he kissed my neck slowly. I put my hairbrush down and turned around, catching him off guard.


I looked at her curiously when she turned around since I had to move my head off her neck.

Before I can say anything she jumped into my arms, which surprised me. With her sudden movement I was pushed onto the bed.

"Sorry." she says noticing what happened, her cheeks turning red.

"Shh, I never complained." I said rubbing circles on her back.

"Math ja. (don't go)" she whispers looking up at me.

I lift us both up and look at her. "I'll always be with you no matter what okay. Just think of me here", I say pointing at her heart, "And I'll be there, forever okay."

She nods her head in response as I wipe away the small amount of water around the edges of her eyes. Aditi kisses me sweetly on the lips and once she pulls away, I engulf her into a tight hug and the only thought that surrounds my mind is.....

I'm going to miss all of her so much.

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