Chapter 7: I Think I might know You

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Beep beep!! Beep beep!! My alarm clock had gone off. "Ugh" I moaned as I motioned to pull off the bed sheets and blankets that were on me. It was 9:30am, so I knew I had to get up since I had to go to the music store in an hour. As I got up trying to head to the bathroom, my phone beeps.

1 message from Sidharth

- Do u want to meet at 10:45 and go 4 Starbucks?

I respond with...

-Sure! Then we can go to the music store right on time. C u soon, I'll come down and meet u at your apartment



I start to get ready. I took a shower and got the work shirt on with skinny jeans. I just put on some eye liner and chapstick, not such a big fan of makeup. I put my hair up into a messy bun and grab my purse with unnecessary items. I grabbed my phone and wallet and slip it into my purse. I locked the door and headed downstairs. Checking my phone, it read 10:43am, perfect! I knocked and he came out. Similar to what I was wearing but with jeans.

"Hi!" I said

"Hey Adi, shall we go?" he responded

I nodded, "Let's go"

We ordered our drinks and soon were in the parking lot of the shop. As we drinking them as fast as we could because it was already 7:55am. As soon as we finished we walked in to see Roy. Ugh.... Long story, short. Ever since I started working here, the first few months, I thought that he was we were in love. I KNOW IT'S DUMB I WAS NAIVE OKAY. Turns out that he wanted me for obvious reasons. But, he's my boss, and I really needed to keep this job so I just ignored him. He even tries to flirt and touch other girls that would come to the shop. I would quit the job, but money is tight.

"Good your on time sexy" he said staring at me.

I rolled my eyes and responded saying "Ya, considering that you got here just 10 minutes ago, and your the boss."

He gave me the death stare. Oops. I didn't really care, he did it all the time whenever I said something about him that he knew was true.

Suddenly he turned all his attention to Sidharth. "You know that he'd be working here? How do you even know him?!" he looked super red and full of jealousy. Haha.

I told him how he lived in the apartment right beneath mine, again he started turning red and full of jealousy.

~Few hours later~

It was around the time for lunch break and so while I was talking to Sidharth, we got interrupted by, of course, Roy.

Roy said in a fussy tone, "This is another new employee and she'll be working from after lunch break to closing time. Do whatever, just get out of my store!" "It's lunch, out!"

I looked at her and she looked so so so familiar. She had brownish-black hair, taller than me, and was skinny. Oh. My. God. She looked so familiar!! I suddenly heard her something say in a familiar voice.

"Hi! Uh, my name is Riya Mehta" she said waving.

"Oh my freakin god! Riya!! It's me, Adi!!" I said sounding like as if Roy quit the job.

She stared at me and then her eyes lit up. I was probably guessing that she remembered.

"Adi!!" she yelled.

"Riya!!" I said screaming.

We started screaming and jumping up and down. I glanced at Sidharth, seeing that he was giving me a weird face. I looked at him with a face that read "I'll explain later" and he nodded and smiled. We finally stopped hugging each other.

Riya was one of my best friends before I lost everything, including my parents. She was almost like my sister. We were friends through preschool till middle school. Suddenly it just cut off between our friendship since she moved to a different town in California and I stayed at the orphanage. But I would have never guessed running into her in California, and the most shocking thing that she'd be working at "Rock & Roll".

I asked her if she wanted to join me and Sidharth to lunch and she gave me a confused look.

"What? Sidharth? Boyfriend!" she said winking.

"No!!" I said shyly looking towards Sidharth, who was smiling. "I think you should sleepover tonight at my apartment." I said with an exciting expression.

She looked at me again confused. I almost forgot that we hadn't seen each other for like a good 5 years.

"I have a long story to tell.... it's story time with Adi." I said with a sad, confused looking grin.

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