Chapter 74

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Vincent Kinsington

Directly after class, I took the bus to the grocery store near the Watakeekul's house. I got the ingredients for my spaghetti and meatballs as well as for garlic bread and a salad. I got mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert since I knew it was Chet's favorite. It was also my favorite, but that wasn't why I got it. I walked to the Watakeekul's house. No one was home, but I still had my house key so I let myself in. I went into the kitchen and began to prepare the ingredients.

It wasn't too long after that I heard the front door open. Then the swinging door to the kitchen opened and Kannika came bounding in. She ran to me and hugged me from behind putting her cheek on the back of my shoulder. "I'm so glad you're here," she said.

I couldn't help but smile at that.

"It smells delicious," she said.

The door to the kitchen opened again and Nate came in. "Alright," he said prying Kannika off me, "let him go now. Go do your homework."

"But it's Friday," she said.

"Then go do it so you don't have to worry about it over the weekend."

She sighed dramatically, but left the room.

"Do you need some help, son?" he asked me.

A burst of happiness lit inside my chest when he called me 'son'. I wondered if I would ever get used to it. I hoped I would always feel that happiness when he called me 'son'.

"I bought ingredients for a salad. You could put that together for me."

He washed his hands in the kitchen sink and then got to work. It wasn't too much longer after that Chet and Nat arrived. The two of them gathered in the kitchen and talked while Nate and I finished dinner. And inevitably, Kannika ended up in there too. It wouldn't surprise me if she hadn't finished her homework yet. But she volunteered to set the table and her parents didn't ask if she had finished her homework.

We all sat in our usual spots. It was just like it was when Chet and I still lived there. I sat between Chet and Nat and Kannika sat between Chet and Nate. Sometimes I missed living there, but then I remembered the rule about no sex and immediately preferred our apartment.

"Did the money get into your account?" Nat asked while we ate.

"Yes," I said.

If the way Kannika and Chet devoured my spaghetti was any indication, they must have found it delicious. Red sauce was at the corners of Kannika's lips.

"I still think you should have asked for the appraised amount," Nat said.

"So everyone tells me," I said. Except Chet. He had always supported me with what I wanted. "I'm happy with the results though."

"Have you thought about what business you would like to start up?" Nate asked. He stuffed a meatball in his mouth.

"I've thought about it, but I don't know what. Not plastics though."

"You've still got plenty of time to decide," Nat said. She put a little bit of the noodles on her garlic bread and took a large bite.

"When I do start it," I said to Nate, "do you want to come work for me?"

"Absolutely," Nate said with no hesitation.

I smiled. "That would be great," I said. "You would help me out tremendously while I flounder about not knowing what I'm doing."

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