Chapter 59

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Chet Watakeekul

"You can go home without me," Vincent said over the phone.

I walked through the hall of the sports building. "Why?" I asked.

"I got a phone call from that cafe with the turkey sandwiches you like. They asked if I could come in now for a job interview."

"I'm going to be late too," I said. "The coach sent me a text saying he wanted to talk."

"Do you think that Robert person said something to him?"

"Probably," I said. "Don't worry about it. It's going to be fine. Let me know when you are done with your job interview. We can probably still go home together. Or maybe I'll just go to the cafe when I'm done here and we can get something to eat."

"Maybe," he said. "If the job interview doesn't go well, I'm not sure I want to eat here right after. I'll let you know."

"Okay," I said. "I love you. Good luck."

I could hear the smile in his voice when he said, "I love you too."

I navigated my way passed the cubicles of the assistant coaches to the head coach's office. There was muffled talking within, but I couldn't make out words. I knocked on the door. A moment later, the door opened and one of the assistant coaches stepped out. He smiled sympathetically at me and patted my back as he passed.

"Come in, Chet," the head coach said. I stepped in and closed the door behind me. "Take a seat." He indicated one of the seats in front of his desk. I pulled it out and sat down.

"Do you know why I called you in?" he asked.

"I'm assuming Robert said something."

The coach nodded. His hands clasped together on his desk. "He wants me to kick you off the team. He says you choked him."

"That's not what happened," I said.

The coach nodded. "It doesn't sound like you. I want to hear from you what happened."

"He told me that Mateo and I should leave the team because we are gay and make the rest of the team uncomfortable."

The coach shifted uncomfortably in his seat with a slight frown on his face.

"For the record," I said, "I'm not gay, I'm demisexual, but I do have a boyfriend. I told Robert he didn't have anything to worry about because he didn't have anything for me and Mateo to look at."

The coach guffawed before he caught himself and grew serious as if his outburst never happened.

"Escalating the situation might not have been wise," he said.

I was careful not to roll my eyes. "Robert was clearly discriminating, coach. I thought this university and the soccer program here don't allow discrimanation."

"We don't," he said. "But right now it is his word against yours. Did you choke him like he said you did?"

"No," I said. "But I did get a little physical. I didn't hit him or anything. I just pushed him up against the his throat."

The coach looked disappointed so I went on quickly, "But I swear it wasn't enough to hurt him. There wasn't any bruising on his neck or anything was there?"

"No. But that doesn't excuse violence, Chet. I'm going to have to mark this in your record. It's off season right now so it won't really affect anything, but too many of these and you're off the team."

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