Chapter 6

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Vincent Kinsington

I thought Mateo was going to chicken out, but he didn't. The disappointment settled in my chest. It was a familiar feeling. I thought when he chickened out and I could use that to convince Alex to break up with him. But that hadn't happened.

Most of the people in the room moved up to shake hands with Alex and welcome him, but I noticed a few people with scowls on their faces who kept to themselves in a corner of the room whispering to each other. No doubt talking about how disgusting Alex and Mateo were. Hot anger replaced the disappointment. Alex didn't deserve their judgements, even though I knew if someone asked me I would say it was disgusting too. The difference was I wouldn't mean it and Alex would know that. Who cared what Mateo thought of me?

"Hi. I don't know you. I'm Chet." And the shorty with the caramel skin and shiny black hair held out a hand in my direction clearly expecting me to shake it. His voice had been way too bubbly and carefree and it immediately made me dislike him. He was slightly taller than Mateo and his skin was beautiful and there was a spark to his brown eyes that...I didn't know what. I decided to ignore it. And him.

I turned my attention back to Alex and Mateo who were now openly holding hands. They both had smiles on their lips as they greeted everyone that came up to them.

"Are you one of Alex's friends?" the kid next to me asked. "Are you a Chemistry major too? Did you go to North High? How long have you known Alex? I think he's great and so supportive. Always at the soccer practices and games."

He paused as if he expected me to answer him. I didn't.

"I'm going to take a guess as to who you are," he said.

I visibly rolled my eyes, but he continued on anyway.

"I'm going to guess you are Vincent."

I stiffened. I didn't do it on purpose, it just happened. How did he know who I was? Did Mateo talk about me when Alex wasn't around? Tell all his friends how horrible a person I was? Well, I didn't care.

"So why don't you approve of them?" Chet asked and shocked me again. "They are so adorable. No matter how much I think about it, I just can't understand why you don't approve."

"It's really none of your business," I said.

"I guess not," he said, "except I think it hurts Mateo that you don't like him and he's my friend and Alex is my friend now too so I guess that it is my business. You're Alex's friend, why don't you support him?"

"It's not your business," I said more sternly, "but I do support Alex. That's the whole point. Mateo is only after him for his money. I have to protect my friend."

Chet bristled at this. "Mateo would never do that. Never. He is dating Alex because his feelings are genuine. He is genuine. He would never use him. If you knew him like I do you'd know that. You should give him a chance. You'll like him."

Because the only reason I was here in the first place was because of Alex, I glanced over at him from across the room. His smile was gone as he stared at me and Chet. He no longer paid any attention to his boyfriend or to those who were trying to start a conversation with him. I could see it in his eyes, imploring me not to be a jerk, but also knowing - as I knew - that I was going to be a jerk. He stepped away from Mateo and started to make his way through the crowd towards us.

"He is disgusting," I said as I turned my attention back to the young man in front of me.

"What?" he was clearly angry with me now. "I told you Mateo is not that type of person."

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