Chapter 35

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A/N:  This pic is not how I imagine Vincent's kitchen, but his kitchen does have this open window like space.  Idon't think I've ever mentioned that it has this, but if I ever say he is in the kitchen and can see the front door or what is happening in the living room this is why.

Vincent Kinsington

I woke up in the morning to Chet's deep eyes staring at my face. I smiled and pulled him closer. My best mornings were always the ones where he was next to me when I woke up. He was always awake first and except for that first time, he didn't leave the bed until after I woke up.

"Good morning," he said to me.

"It is," I replied. My eyes shifted closed as I enjoyed this moment of him in my arms and his around me.

"You've got to get up if you want to give me a ride to the university," he said. "Or you could stay in bed and sleep longer and I can take the bus."

I rolled out of bed. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"I can grab something at the school," he said as he got out of bed.

I rounded the bed and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I will make you something," I insisted. He smiled drawing my attention to his lips. I kissed him lightly on the lips three times in quick succession. "What do you want?" I asked again.

"Fried eggs and toast," he said.

"Then you get ready while I make it."

He went into the bathroom while I went into the kitchen. I washed my hands in the kitchen sink and prepared the fried eggs and toast. It didn't take long and the table was set and the food prepared when he came back out. We sat at the little table. He buttered the toast and then put the fried egg on top of it and ate it that way. I had never seen anyone do that, but it probably wasn't that uncommon. He seemed to think the way my family ate was strange so maybe I was the weird one. I copied him and took a bite. It was good.

"Hurry and get ready," he said when we were through. "I'll clean up." He was already gathering the dishes. I quickly went through my morning routine. He came into the bathroom at one point to brush his teeth. It didn't take us long to gather our things and be ready to leave. Before we opened the door to leave my apartment we kissed. He was the one to suggest we should have our goodbye kiss before we left the apartment so we didn't have to worry about someone seeing us in public.

I dropped him off at the sports building and then drove to the gym near Alex's house. None of my friends nor I were into sports, but ever since high school, we would go to the gym a couple of times a week. Alex wasn't there yet when I arrived. I got on a treadmill. Ten minutes later Alex showed up and got on the treadmill next to me.

"Remind me," he said, "why did we start coming in the morning instead of the evening?"

Because Chet has been sleeping over and I need to take him to school early so I'm already up with nothing to do was not what I said.

"I've been waking up early," I said.

"Do you know how much Trevon and I used to hate you for your ability to get up so easily in the morning?"

Chet was better at it. I didn't say that either.

"I should call Trevon before he can call me and scold me for not calling him," I said.

"You should," he agreed readily.

Our conversation died away the rest of the time we were on the treadmill. When we were through and doing some easy stretches he said, "Have you figured out how to get around your family yet?"

From My Enemy To My Love (boyxboy) ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat